Similar experiences here - when I hear the full form of my forename, especially if there's anything even remotely brusque or peremptory about the tone of voice, it feels like somebody is about to get tough with me, probably because that's exactly what it would have meant when my parents and teachers used it. Even when not used aggressively, I feel that they're somehow dragging me back to a time I'd rather forget - I started using the short, familiar form of my name when I was a young teenager.....I'd never been called that by my parents etc., so it was a strong symbolic way of establishing myself as a person in my own right, and the abbreviated, familiar form felt much more in keeping with my outlook - at the time I felt that all my interactions with people of my choice should be very warm and friendly. But somebody recently used the long form as a joke, and as I knew they'd never have used it "seriously" (the person is too down-to-earth and personable to do that), I enjoyed the joke with them.
People use my shortened name to me a lot but it doesn't usually make me feel anything one way or the other
ediself wrote:
HA! i'm not alone!! fantastic
so do you guys know if it's supposed to be agressive or if they just do it to annoy others?
It's not necessarily aggressive, often they just use names to show a bit of warmth and to demonstrate that they know who you are and they're not talking to just anybody, it's an indication that you're somehow special to them. According to Dale Carnegie, the sound of a person's own name is the most beautiful sound in the world to them......something in that, though as usual with Carnegie, he overstates his ideas.
I keep hearing people use my name when they say hello or goodbye to me, but I don't usually do it back - there isn't always enough time to bring their name back to mind, and mostly I can't even remember to do it. I find it hard to believe that it makes much difference as long as I have other ways of showing people I like and respect them.