I have asperger's (a friend who has a master's degree in social work asked me questions from the DSM, I'm not sure if that diagnosis can be considered official) and I think I have some form of Tourette's (this started after a very sad experience freshman year of college), but the weird thing is that I can control it in most social situations to where I either am normal, or it is reduced to mumbling; it is just when I am either alone, or there are people nearby and I intuitively feel that they will not be able to hear me that I say mostly nonsensical, but sometimes embarrassing things including profanity. And if people are really far away or I am totally alone I will sometimes yell these things.
I've had some minor embarrassing problems with this, mostly when I underestimate people's ability to hear, or understand what I am mumbling/saying/yelling. I am going to see psychologist soon but I was just wondering if anyone with asperger's has/had a similar condition, and if it eventually goes away. Mine seems to be getting better (but very slowly). I appreciate answers because I think it will give me more info to discuss with the Psychologist. I also am not entirely sure if this is related to asperger's but since people with asperger's have a higher rate of these syndromes I thought I'd post it here. Thanks in advance.