FYI -New York Legislation on Aversive Behavorial Legislation

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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19 Jun 2006, 3:08 pm

I just got this email from GRASP. It appears that NY State is legalizing "controlled" Aversive Behavioral Legislation. The minutes are on this website:

taken from Section 1, Subsection (b) Paragraph 2 of ... esidd1.htm

legalizing such measures as extreme behavioral interventions...


With apologies for the short notice. But please call the NYState VESID Deputy Commission Rebecca Cort's office, like now, at 518.474.2714 to protest legislation (of what are referred to as "aversives") that includes this paragraph, taken from Section 1, Subsection (b) Paragraph 2 of ... esidd1.htm legalizing such measures as extreme behavioral interventions...

They are supposedly voting today. Even if you don't live in New York, legalizing in one state could inspire other states...

As used in this section, aversive behavioral intervention means:
(i) application of noxious, painful, intrusive stimuli or activities intended to induce pain such as electric skin shock, ice applications, hitting, slapping, pinching, kicking, hurling, strangling, shoving, deep muscle squeezes or other similar stimuli;
(ii) any form of noxious, painful or intrusive spray or inhalant;
(iii) withholding sleep, shelter, bedding, bathroom facilities or clothing;
(iv) contingent food programs that include withholding or limiting food or drink or essential nutrition or hydration as part of meal times or intentionally altering staple food or drink in order to make it distasteful;
(v) movement limitation used as a punishment, including but not limited to helmets and mechanical restraint devices;
(vi) the placement of a child unsupervised or unobserved in a room from which the student cannot exit without assistance; or
(vii) other stimuli or actions similar to the interventions described in subparagraphs (i) through (vi) of this paragraph."

Note words like "strangling"...The Deputy Comm's office may say that they are against such measures, but whether they are or they aren't, you must call to state that you strongly object.

In thanks, and horror.


Michael John Carley
Executive Director
The Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership, Inc.
135 East 15th Street
New York, NY 10003
[email protected]

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19 Jun 2006, 3:41 pm

As I said before in a previous post, get out of New York State. They are trying to ram through some of the worst techniques I have seen upon people with behavioral, emotional and neurological problems. I would not be surprised if Bloomberg nor Pataki signed on to things like these. Things like this will probably be used on NTs as well, because I imagine this sort of legislation may be used to deem "over-stimulated or hyperactive kids" as troublesome and worthy of harsh aggression by authorities.

- Ray M -


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20 Jun 2006, 4:57 pm

First off, I find it surpising that something like this did not make it into any of the 6 NYS newspapers that I looked at today and yesterday (The Buffalo News, Rochester Democrate & Chronical, Poughkeepsie Journal, New York Times, New York Daily News and The New York Post).

From reviewing the link. this is a vote by the NYSED to ask the state legistature to pass a law to create these rules. I do not think any member of the NYSED is elected and as such, is free from public influence.

With that said, what I would suggest to NYS residents is to immediately contact their state senator and assemblyperson (who after this week will be home on vacation and a good time to get your views across). Tell them that you want adversives to be prohibted, not generally banned but allowed in specific situations. Lobby them hard because you can be sure school districts and places such as JRC will be lobbying just as hard.

I am still glad however that I left NY 6 years ago and have never looked back.

Louis J Bouchard
Rochester Minnesota

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