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29 Jan 2009, 10:50 pm

Anyone have trouble walking?? I pigeon walk sometimes but it's not my fault I have shoes that fit right and everything it's usually when I am sitting and get up it happens


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30 Jan 2009, 7:27 pm

Apart from my toe-walking tendency (now mostly a nocturnal phenomenon), the only issue I have with walking is an annoying tendency to plough headlong into things I could swear I was a foot away from. Rarely am I bruise-free just from my ambulatory adventures.


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30 Jan 2009, 7:47 pm

I need a flat surface to be able to walk properly, but I still have a strange gait.
walking on grass, gravel, or uphill is hard.


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30 Jan 2009, 7:56 pm

I always think it's weird that other people seem to be able to 'automatically' walk... like you just press the walk button and you can think about something else or talk or whatever but you can still walk.

I feel like each step is a conscious effort and I feel like I don't have a specific gait as a result. Each step is different and if I stop paying attention, I'll trip over my own feet or put my foot down sideways lol. I'm not just 'walking' I'm putting one foot down and then the other.

Does anyone else feel like that or am I just nuts haha


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30 Jan 2009, 9:02 pm

I tend to not bend my legs all the time when I walk sometimes.

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30 Jan 2009, 9:27 pm

Julia_the_Great wrote:
I tend to not bend my legs all the time when I walk sometimes.

Interesting. I recently noticed this about myself. I also tend to either hold my arms rigidly at my sides or put my hands in my pockets.


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30 Jan 2009, 10:08 pm

I have such a hard time walking! Anything from balance, to where I place my feet, can easily mess me up. people always say i walk "weird" or walk "gay". I always feel like my feet are just going to give out, and I'm going to collapse!


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31 Jan 2009, 12:33 pm

have got a few walking difficulties,am get temperary full paralysis in both legs which happens after too much sensory overload or tc seizures-signal from brain just cuts off,lasts for up to a day as long as no more overload happens in that time,usually a daily thing.

have also got wonky,and jerky walking due to a cp like problem on left side,had a lot of useless physio when younger but no assessment for cp so don't know if it is mild cp or not,main problem with that is stairs/steps and going up/down edges.

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31 Jan 2009, 5:13 pm

mitharatowen wrote:
I always think it's weird that other people seem to be able to 'automatically' walk... like you just press the walk button and you can think about something else or talk or whatever but you can still walk.

I feel like each step is a conscious effort and I feel like I don't have a specific gait as a result. Each step is different and if I stop paying attention, I'll trip over my own feet or put my foot down sideways lol. I'm not just 'walking' I'm putting one foot down and then the other.

Does anyone else feel like that or am I just nuts haha

With me, it is ODD! Sometimes I DO just press the walk button, and WALK! NO PROBLEM! Other times(NO pattern as to when), I have the SAME problem you talk about. It is ALMOST like you have to think about each step, and even the side muscles that determine orientation. On ground, you NORMALLY want to stand up such that you lean neither to the left or right. When I walk up stairs, I generally lean forward so that if I trip or have some problem, my head will fall in front of me, and I can break my fall. USUALLY that is automatic, but I can go a whole day or so where it ISN'T!

BTW in case anyone is curious, I handle boats and planes noticably better than most. By most, I mean out of perhaps hundreds that I have seen doing that on boats and planes I have been on. ALSO, I didn't miss the milestone for walking.


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31 Jan 2009, 7:48 pm

me [tone: Sylvester passing by window]
i knew it... i knew it, and i was right!! !

special300=7 [voice Tweety]
i thaw, i did thee a puddycat
*SEVEN OFF.topic*
[presumably wanting to pull Sylvester by either tail or leg]

Sylvester [voice me]:
i remembered i had left something undone, and it had to do with a kid, according to some way under the age for allowable surfing on WP;

me [thinking out loud, text-ballooned]:
there was some attention, it seemed to develop in a bit of a neighbourly party with the party kid off walkabout; many regulars visted; and i was never sure that it really just was a fluke, still feel there was something genuine there
me [voice Sylvester]:
aha! the scent and taste of genuine 7!

me, Sylvestery-toned, personal note public addressed:
i still do not know, but i enjoyed the possibilities of THAT thread;

so i would gladly advize all contributors to this thread
FIRST to check Iamspecial300's profile,
and read ALL his or her previous posts;
they are two, and in the same thread
I'm 7:


Sylvester [voice me]:

hi Seven,
if you are indeed genuine, you are welcome in my book, but i dont know about the law on age and surfing
(so sssshhhhh, still, i wont tell anyone if you dont);
please, if so, why dont you come out and tell us a bit more this walking of yours

Sylvester [public address, sideways, eyebrows lifting repeatedly tongue-in-cheekedlike][voice vaguely hinting grannied wolf][or roadrunnerhunter X, upon receipt of ACNE package, blueprint resembling homey furnace]:

"if it talks like a duck, if it walks like a duck..."

me: [public address, large-eyed, expression: about to be roadkilled, and knowing]:

8O or did you/he just do another runner?

me/sylvester :oops: [private sideline public]:
oh well...
(i dont mind being fooled - it IS what i AM, innit, lau?)

or am i, ... me? :compress:

*shrugs* seyes-turning *wanders off aimlessly into the night*

:drunken: :drunken: :drunken:

[maybe happen into other party]

a point in every direction is the same as no point at all - or is it

may your god forgive you

Last edited by oblio on 01 Feb 2009, 3:56 am, edited 3 times in total.

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31 Jan 2009, 7:58 pm

When I was little I began having walking problems. My left foot turned inward and my left knee was up against my right knee. I had to have corrective shoes for a while. Today, I have no walking issues---besides some clumsiness from time to time.


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31 Jan 2009, 8:03 pm

My ankles have a terrible tendency to just 'go', as most put it. Like, they just stop supporting me, and I end up falling to the ground, or tripping. I've also found that my knees do that, but not as often.
I have to wear soles now D:. I also went to a group for around 6 weeks every Thursday and did some excersices which were suppose to help me correct it, but I didn't go again after those 6 weeks because I was 12 and the oldest person there was 7 years old and I just felt stupid and hated going there.


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24 Jul 2010, 1:35 am

Kaysea wrote:
Julia_the_Great wrote:
I tend to not bend my legs all the time when I walk sometimes.

Interesting. I recently noticed this about myself. I also tend to either hold my arms rigidly at my sides or put my hands in my pockets.

Same here. Rigid arms.

I also toe walk in bare feet.

as far a odd gait, I always seem to be missing the ground when I take a step, as if the ground is always a little lower than I think it is.

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24 Jul 2010, 4:56 pm

I'm very rigid from the waist up I'm told, and I have a major tendency (maybe more than a tendency) to trip on things. I have to wear solid shoes- no flip flops and no boots- or I fall easily.


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24 Jul 2010, 5:34 pm

im no good at this walking lark either