marcvs9955 wrote:
Is there anything about AS, at least in males, about having a preference for opposite sex friends or am I just an anomaly amongst anomalies?
Generally I seem to have more female 'friends' than male 'friends', I've identified several points which I think make it so (or other people have commented on):
1. I'm not into sports/cars, this immediately removes two of the stereotypical "male" conversation points.
2. I'm told that I can be quite protective of 'friends', generally speaking I think women respond better to "the friend that is there to look out for them" than men do.
3. Since I don't tend to talk much people decide I'm a good listener (also got a good memory, so I remember a lot of what happens/what people say) again this seems to be a quality that women look for more than men.
Could be I'm completely wrong, but who knows.