Generally I don't feel being labelled as an aspie at all helps me, I've overco me most of my social awkwardness (The only thing that your average NT may see) and have become an extremely popular, unfortunately I still don't have a way with women... I can dream... Only one of my friends references me as autistic, and only ever as an insult when my anxiety surfaces, it doesn't ****ing help. All I ever needed was a place to chill out, but guess what? Throughout high-school I had a teacher follow me to every class, constantly supervising me like I was some kind of reject. What the ****! Labelling me as autistic literally destroyed a quarter of my life.. Don't mess with the mind.
96% of people who make up random percentages don't admit it. Put this as your sig if you're in the 4% who do admit to making up random percentages. - Scrollin