I think it's natural enough to let good sense prevail when you feel like smashing the place up. Perhaps the cost of bottling the strong emotions is less than the cost of reparing the damage that would come from not controlling them.
It's a great shame that the world is set up that way, and I'm sure it's not healthy to simply bottle the anger. But as long as you remain aware of your anger, and don't try to pretend to yourself that it doesn't exist, that's a start. If you can tell a significant other how you feel, and get them to understand and to show sympathy, that will probably release some of the tension. Some activities are good for burning off the frustration of life - soul singing, bicycle racing, drumming....many people never let themselves make any loud noise or really have a good workout with their muscles.
Most of the people I work with don't seem able to challenge the management about the things that anger them, but they let off steam by running the management down to each other. It's sad to see it, but their reluctance to confront the source of their anger (the bosses) is very strong and without the safety-valve of whinging to each other, there'd be nowhere for their anger to go.
I've always had a strong control of my temper. I guess that came from my upbringing, my mum was very domineering so getting angry with her just led to punishment, and neither of my parents were comfortable with any kind of uncontrolled or loud behaviour. So, to this day I can't really lose my temper. When I do get angry, although I feel out of control, my reactions are nenetheless fairly measured and finite, as a rule.
It's proved quite a valuable resource, being able to hold onto my temper more strongly than most. I'd prefer to feel comfortable about displaying small amounts of anger in an immediate way, without worrying about the consequenses, but I can't seem to break the programming, so I just have to stick with my "instincts" and make the best of a bad job. I'd probably need to do a training programme on healthy expression of anger before I got any better, but I don't know of any such course.