I've read many times in here that people don't want kids because they don't want them to go through the same things that they went through themselves. But we have to bear in mind that your kid's life isn't going to be an exact copy of yours, even if they turn out to have AS or ADHD themselves. And we have to bear in mind that there are more opportunities for support and more knowledge about the conditions than in our childhoods.
I voted: don't know. But I mean, if people want to and are able to take care of a child, why not?
I don't long for kids myself. But also wonder if I could take care of some. Or if it will be to overwhelming.
Though it kind of gives me a strange feeling suddenly to have found myself belonging to a group about which it is discussed whether we ought to have children or not. I mean, for most people the matter is if they want to, or have the opportunity to, or sometimes are able to... but ought to? That's not many people you say that about.
And even though I don't long for kids myself, the whole idea about should / should not makes me feel strange and a bit sad.
Also because we could as well ask the question if we ourselves ought to be alive, to have been born?!

That is why I voted dont' know as well. there are just simply too many variable that tmakes it be no clear answer.