Why is that woman talking so casually about contemplating murder? My mother didn't exactly want me (post natal depression) but she sure as hell cried when she admitted what she was feeling at the time WHEN WE SPOKE PRIVATELY about it. My mother didn't contemplate murder, but she did feel quite lonely and burdened. Now this woman is talking about murder-suicide in such a casual way to people she probably never met before. I mean, you don't have to have good social skills to know that she didn't seem very pained by the thought of this.
Also talking about murdering your child in front of her is absolutely twisted and disgusting, not to mention the fact that her only motivation not to go ahead with murder-suicide was so that her "normal" little girl would have a mummy. Despicable.
Plus, I love the woman who says "In another life, I could probably have a bagel with you...". Okay, seriously, I know families with profoundlu autistic kids who still have time to catch up with friends. Here's an idea - bring your friends to the house and if they don't like it, they can f**k off.
Also, I remember the daughter of the one of the women was trying to comfort her mother when she started crying and her mother completely ignored her. I mean, aren't you going to, I dunno, praise that? I mean, she did exactly what you though she could do and ignored it!
Also, when I was at school (in a special unit for people with autism), our classrooms were made up of 12 pupils and one teacher There would be a classroom assistant, normally, but the teacher could manage on their own (with mild difficulty). We had weekly speech and language therapy through the school. It was a brilliant place and we made tons of progress. I don't know what the hell she's talking about. I mean, I know this school was probably different, but she makes it sound very scary and it's not. That was normal for me.
I think it;s funny that the women talk about the lack of services for autism because what exactly has autism speaks donated for therapies and for special education and what not? Most of their money is pissed down the drain (mostly due to awareness campaigns and research). I mean, research is important but learning to speak and socialise and become independent is way more important. They've pretty much betrayed these women.
Also, the 80% is a load of s**t: http://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/news/ ... RSS_PUBLIC
I know, it's webMD but all the other sources pretty much say the same thing. Just do a Jenny McCarthy and Google it if you wanna.
Where the hell did these people get that number from? I'm guessing their arses.
This documentary is simply awful because it just tries to tug at people's heartstrings and force people to give pity towards families living with autism. I think they have done a major disservice to the people they supposedly represent.
Shame, shame, shame.