Ever since I was a kid, certain tones/pitches people have in their voice can send me to very strong emotions regardless of the actual words being said or the message. Someone who talks really loud especially in a certain pitch could make me very angry regardless of what they are saying or who they are. The quiter someone talks the better I am able to process what they are saying. Calm voices I like the best, hyper voices annoy me but don't make me angry....usually, sad voices make me angry- crying people make me angry, crying myself makes me very angry, (rarely now as an adult) but as a kid when I would get angry I would also kind of get teary eyed. People seeing this would say "Are you going to cry?" which would make me really made and lose it- which caused me to fight people often. (Bit of a seqway...maybe- seems relevant though..)
So anyways...does anyone else have similar responses to pitch/tone of voice? My parents have learned to control their pitch when talking to me but when they are in another room talking to someone else I can hear them and their voices will have the same effect as if I was in the same room. (They don't control their pitch when I am around them)
I dont have friends who are loud. Hmm..that's interesting haven't thought about that before. Yep checks out, never had a loud friend in my life. Had some hyper ones, still do but their pitch irritates me so I can't hang out with them for too long.
“It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.”
― George Washington