MXH wrote:
Sometimes I get this weird tingle/shiver inside my right ear. No matter how much I try to control it the end is always losing control of my neck muscles and shaking my head in a "no" fashion. It is extremely annoying. Ivehad this since I was a kid but lately I met someone and they seem to have the same thing happen, I also think that person may be in the spectrum somewhat.
I shake my head like that many times a day. It works like a stim for me. It's not controllable.
But in my case I think it's neurological damage beyond just autism, since the head shake began just a few months ago and has gotten worse with different meds the doctors have tried on me--namely seroquel for a while and later thorazine instead, during my hospitalizations this year for massive clonopin overdoses. I really think I fried my brain pretty good. But it doesn't matter, cause at this point my life is almost entirely in the hands of the state.
Darth Vader. Cool.