As I keep saying, I don't know if I'm AS, but sometimes I just don't understand people.
This is kind of pathetic, but I was on this dating site where you can IM people. So I started off asking the guy what he was doing, trying to be correct. I won't say what he said because it's inappropriate, but it was a Freudian slip, he left out one letter and completely changed the meaning. I thought it was hilarious, so I responded with "lol" Suddenly he disconnects and refuses to talk to me.
I'm trying to think of why. Did he not like me laughing at his mistake? Was he embarrassed that he said something so inappropriate accidentally??? If I was in his shoes I would have laughed too and said "ha, that was hilarious what I typed!"
Crazy Bird Lady!! !
Also likes Pokemon
Avatar: A Shiny from the new Pokemon Pearl remake, Shiny Chatot... I named him TaterTot...
FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020