aspergers and narcissism
i've got both i swear.
my bro broke up with his girlfriend and i nearly threw a party if only my mom let me, because know i know i'm never have to see that damn mutt again or have to go through meltdowns because of it, then i realized i might not get the basement and said that sucks. but i am getting the basement after all so two good things ding dong the dog is gone, and i no longer have to suffer in this hot room for much longer.
i haven't spoke to my friend katie cause i don't feel like putting in the effort to text her on my phone.
my golden rule is do unto others as they do to you, so since i don't get much love on the internet i'm not giving much love back anymore.
end examples
the only times i haven't thought of myself first were when i played crisis core, xenosaga, and whenever i see someone bash xemnas outright [this includes but is not limited to, gay parings, changing his gender, below the belt jokes, anagraming his name for his sake i will not explain further, and insulting his power, they are aerial blades not lightsabers his weapons have no handles for pete's sake]. heck i hardly pull jokes on him anymore out of respect for him.
anyway before i go on a two mile rant without stopping about xemnas [honestly i die i little bit everytime i see the mentioned bashings] is this combo normal to have in the aspergers realm. cause i saw one post that seemed to say it's not.
but still i feel i am better off because of it. empathy is burden i don't need.
"It's the song of destruction a requiem of the end" jr in xenosaga III
my bro broke up with his girlfriend and i nearly threw a party if only my mom let me, because know i know i'm never have to see that damn mutt again or have to go through meltdowns because of it, then i realized i might not get the basement and said that sucks. but i am getting the basement after all so two good things ding dong the dog is gone, and i no longer have to suffer in this hot room for much longer.
i haven't spoke to my friend katie cause i don't feel like putting in the effort to text her on my phone.
my golden rule is do unto others as they do to you, so since i don't get much love on the internet i'm not giving much love back anymore.
end examples
the only times i haven't thought of myself first were when i played crisis core, xenosaga, and whenever i see someone bash xemnas outright [this includes but is not limited to, gay parings, changing his gender, below the belt jokes, anagraming his name for his sake i will not explain further, and insulting his power, they are aerial blades not lightsabers his weapons have no handles for pete's sake]. heck i hardly pull jokes on him anymore out of respect for him.
anyway before i go on a two mile rant without stopping about xemnas [honestly i die i little bit everytime i see the mentioned bashings] is this combo normal to have in the aspergers realm. cause i saw one post that seemed to say it's not.
but still i feel i am better off because of it. empathy is burden i don't need.
If you are curious you should research AS and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. While you are at it, why don't you research schizotypal, and schizoid personality disorder.
Depends what you mean by narcissism.
Sounds to me like what you have is that you are self-centered. Which is common among aspies.
If by narcissism you mean Narcissistic Personality Disorder, then, well, I see nothing at all in what you write that suggests you have it. There's much more to NPD than being self-centered, and those with NPD can come across as not self-centered. NPD and Asperger's is a very unlikely combination.
not aspie, not NT, somewhere in between
Aspie Quiz: 110 Aspie, 103 Neurotypical.
Used to be more autistic than I am now.
i did research as and narcissistic disorder and found nothing, but as for schizotypal, and schizoid personality disorder, i have no idea what those even are.
if you are talking about my xemmy complex i feel i have more of a master and servent problem rather then being schizophrenic, he lives i my head and doesn't approve of what he sees through my eyes. of course if people would finally get off his back i wouldn't be this way. so it isn't my problem it's more like 80% of DA's malfuction.
more like extremely self-centered, out of all the times i've cried, been happy, or angry, is cause something happened to me. if someone else is happy, sad or angry, i'm not going try and feel fake emotions just for their sake cause that would be just something more i'd have to do, the less things i have to do for others the happier i am, i worry about xemnas first, my computer second, and myself third, everything else is on the back burner untill i can feel obligated to care.
kinda an example there and kinda the truth.
what's the smiley all about?
edit: i researched the two personality disorders stated above i have no idea what schizotypal even is the symptoms made no sense to me at all, now schizoid i understood and nearly every symptom fit me like a glove. cool now i have an excuse to be the way i am and i don't have any reason to fight it because i can't, excellent now i can be the way i want to be even more. being honest here.
does the first one have something to do with the line that seperates fantasy and reality, cause i dance that line pretty well in fact i perfer fantasy more then reality.
out of all the people on DA i much more like fanart then anything else and when it came to drawing i'd rather draw fanart then my own characters, and all the stories i read are fan-fiction no exceptions, heck i won't even write an original story with my own characters i have to have at least a couple of copyrighted characters in there somewhere or i just drop it. my characters hate me sometimes i swear all 35 of them.
but yeah i defently have an odd way of thinking, i say that i bend logic itself till i am right. so now i call the logic i believe in my logic and it's the only type i accept. but this could explain why i make people angry and wonder why they are angry. in fact i consider that everytime i ever got in trouble online at least was because it was someone elses problem with me, and yes i still believe that.
"It's the song of destruction a requiem of the end" jr in xenosaga III