1-He was a very intelligent Asperger child running around like the others.But very shy.
2- He accompolished being a doctor in nuerology,especially pediatric/childhood nuerology.
3- He noticed a group of young boys diagnosed with "Childhood Schizophrenia" and wondered why they improved with treatment.
Most schizophreniacs regressed rapidly in those days, even with treatment.Plus true schizophrenia usually does not begin until 17-19 years old.
4- He took these boys in and raised and treated them with tender love, and marked their progress.
5- He took GREAT LENGHTS TO SAVE THIS GROUP OF BOYS FROM THE CLUTCHES OF THE NAZIS, who just exterminated these types of children at will.
6-These boys all achieved the dreams that they possibly could have. One even found a FLAW IN ONE OF NEWTON'S LAWS.
7-His work was finally translated into English just before he died. He lived long enough to see his work published, just as autism cases began to rise.
8-His work will eventually be gospel.
All bow your heads in praise to this less than intimidating MAN who told the NAZIS to shove it up their .....well you know where.
Some of your greatest accompolishments are the direct results of your greatest failures. Some of your greatest failures are the direct results of your greatest accompolishments.......AnAutisticMind