As soon as the DSM-V goes into effect, Asperger's wont exist, so I can't call myself an Aspie anymore. But I won't fit the diagnostic criteria for autism, either.
You know what? I'm sick of doctors, most of whom are NT, trying to say they know who is and is not autistic. But that is the name of the condition.
So let's get rid of that. Call yourself autistic to non-autistics if you want. But to those of you who are sick of having inadequate words dictated by people who either don't know what they're talking about or don't WANT to know what they're talking about, I propose that we call ourselves dandelions, which is basically supposed to be how I use the term Aspie.
To be a dandelion, you must fit at least three of the following criteria:
1. At least half the time has one or two special interests, or historically has had them
2. Uses or interprets body language in one or more nonstandard ways
3. Has one or more of the following:
i. Unusual sensory perceptions (hypersensitive, hyposensitive, etc.)
ii. Difficulty recognizing faces (prosopagnosia)
iii. Perceives things as raw sensory data, rather than with meaning (e.g., "that is a rectangular patch of light comprised of many rectangular patches and some that look like rectangles with holes in them in which the other rectangles fit, as well as some blue and green marks toward the upper left, some gray marks toward the center but kind of toward the right, some light blue vertical bars..." as opposed to "oh, look, that's a computer screen on which someone's composing a message on WrongPlanet")
iv. Difficulty with or nonstandard use of language
4. One or more of the following:
i. Odd stuff like not letting the things on your plate touch, or always visiting a specific place at a specific time on a specific day of the week
ii. Sensitivity to fluorescent lights
iii. Lacks in-group/out-group dichotomy (favoritism)
iv. Less than normal need/desire for friends
v. IQ tests fail to predict performance in life, or fail to predict performance on other IQ tests
vi. NTs react as if this person has offended them, despite the dandelion being sure that the NT's offense is completely out of the blue, or believing it's deserved but not having any idea what they did to deserve it
Anyone think the criteria need to be revised?
Anyway, you can be a dandelion. So whatever the doctors say, whatever the DSM says, even if the DSM-V ends up defining autism as someone who fits all of the following criteria:
1. Is a purple monkey
2. Exhibits one or more of the following:
i. Drools a lot
ii. Likes bananas
iii. Is good at Dance Dance Revolution
3. Speaks Chinese with a German accent
4. Is God
4. Does not speak German, has no speech delay and no significant impairment in any area of life.
6. Does not recognize the existence of the number 5
7. Does not meet the criteria for schizophrenia or for being Nothobranchius furzeri.
...You can still call yourself a dandelion!!
I take it all the non-NTs here are dandelions, right? If not, why not?
Doesn't this sound like the best idea ever?
I'm using a non-verbal right now. I wish you could see it. --dyingofpoetry