I selected anxiety, but then I noticed someone said executive dysfunction. I have to say the latter. If I did not have ED, I would probably be alot more functional...as it is now, I am crippled by it. I see alot of people selected sensory overload expecailly sound. In some ways, my hearing impairment is a blessing cause I have a 45db loss which basicly means that I am legally deaf. The good part about that is if I had to have autism, it is better to be somewhat deaf than to be constantly assaulted by sounds. If sounds are loud enough for me to hear them...I do get overload. The best example is my mom had a moment of finacial indisgression and bought a molican cockatoo without even researching about them first. Well although he was quite a talker, he was also quite a screamer too. And when he started screaching at what seemed to be 100db for hours on end, my level of functioing really went down. I was having meltdowns constantly. Finally we traded him in on a smaller model, a caique, which is a small brazilian parrot. She has become part of the family and is very special to me. She only screaches in the morning wanting food and clean water, but after that she is mostly quiet exept to voice her opinion on a particular subject of our conversations by laughing or singing while mom is in the shower (wtf). Yes I have a laughing bird which is alot better than a bird that can do meltdowns better than me.
But my Executive Dysfunction is very crippling cause I usually cant get much of anything done...if I didnt have it, I might be able to finish college alot easier and be able to move my life forward, but mostly I just chase my tail in cicles where other people can just plan to do something and just do it and get it done. Sometimes it makes me feel like such a failure in life.
All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
-James Baldwin