How do I deal with narrow fields of interests in college? Like, I'm really into the evolution of birds and cetaceans, and I can probably give lectures about it myself. But if I want a college degree around that special interest, I have to study tons of other subjects that I'm not interested at all. Case in point: a couple of months ago I enrolled in an undergraduate biology degree program, because once you're past the basic stuff (introductory biology, chemistry, physics, stuff like that), there's quite a few courses I can choose about birds and cetaceans. But the thing is, I have to study so much stuff that I'm not really interested in that I'm already thinking about giving up. It seems like all undergraduate degrees want to give you a "well-rounded" education, but how does one reconcile that with the special and intense interests that characterize a person on the autism spectrum? Why can't there be a degree just in the specific subject I'm interested in?