Ariela wrote:
Whatever you do, don't let your son get a special ed label-they tend to lump kids with all kinds of disabilities together.
I was tormented daily for being in special education and I later found out I did not need special education. They mistook my Aspergers for ADHD which my doctor said he saw no signs of. My doctor thinks I was screwed out of a proper education because I developed a so what attitude because I figured I would not have been able to handle college level classes since they had me in special education. When I got out of high school one of my jobs was in a resteraunt where half the people I worked with went to the same high school as me. They knew I was in special education therefore they felt they had the right to torment me like they did in school. It was worst than when I was in high school because I could not get away with hitting them and they knew it. They did their best to get me to quit propblem was I was stuck there for 9 years because no one would hire me so I could not quit.
If they lump your kid in with kids with behaviour problems or other mental issues your kid will start imitating the behavior thinking it is normal. The more exposure to NT children the better so he can pick up normal behavior and learn how to imitate it. When I started showing weird behavior my parents complained so they stuck me in a normal art class I guess so I would pick up on normal behavior. At this "normal" art class the students could not figure out why I was there and the art teacher kept trying to get them to leave me alone but it was no use. They tormented because they thought it was funny. At the end of each class the art teacher would apalogize to me for not being able to keep the wolves at bay.
When I got out of special education I went to a general education English class. On the first day the teacher told me in front of the whole class that she knows I was in special education and she is not going to slow down for me to catch up to the rest of the class. She pretty much humilated me infront of the whole class so I spent my time in the class causing trouble and picking verbal fights with her.
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die -Hunter S. Thompson