devark wrote:
I can't do anything in my room without white noise, including sleep. I feel like I have very little control over what my brain pays attention to, and the more noise or sensory information the more divided my attention becomes. Whats also strange is when I try and block everything out with headphones or ear plugs, I become anxious and feel overwhelmingly vulnerable
I haven't tried headphones or ear plugs (but I will because the noise levels in my house are high enough to constantly overstimulate me lately
), but the rest of this is true for me. I run two fans in my room constantly just to drown out as much external noise as I can. The last time the power went out it took me forever to get to sleep because every. single. little. noise. would bring me back to full wakefulness.
MidlifeAspie wrote:
Ear plugs make me feel as though I am suffocating. Is that common?
My trepidation about ear plugs is that band aids make me feel confined (among other things) and I suspect ear plugs will be similar.