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22 Dec 2010, 3:22 pm

I have Aspergers. Okay this was a long time but anyway 7 years ago when I was 14 i was in school one day. Ironicly I saw a crowd of older pupils blocking my way to the lunch area of school. I was intimidated by the crowd so i decided to walk down this corridoor instead. By the lockers there was this gang of pupils, out of the blue this 16 year old pupil on purpouse tripped me up. Because of my gait i was tripped up a few times in school before this incident and i was bullied a lot in school. After he tripped me up I don't know what possesed me but I just shut down and went into auto pilot mode and walked up to the school kid and kicked him hard infront of his friends and shouted at him "You dickhead" i just stood there and saw his face light up with absolute rage like he was possesed by the devil. He then lashed out violently and punched me savagely a few times and broke my jaw (its fixed now). After the attack the school kid vanished and blood was everywhere coming out of my mouth. A few girls ran into the toilet and got me some paper to control the blood but i just could not control and the blood was pouring everywhere. I did plead for help by the witnesses and at the scene but they just stood there open mouthed and shocked even though I asked to take me to the nurses office they just started laughing at me. I then decided i had no choice and just walked outside and the bullys friend shouted at me laughing "He's going outside". I walked to the lunch area and spotted my friends and one of them was shocked by the amount of blood. they took me the nurses office. My mother took me to hospital.

The bully was reported the police and he was told to report to the police station and was put in a cell. a week after this incident the bully apolgised to me infront of the principal. he also has a criminal record. i got into no trouble at all. apperently his parents were very apologetic about thier sons actions.

My mother and brother actually once defended the bully and said that it was not all his fault for the incident.

Looking back on it i wish i hit the bully back and beat him up but i think he was stronger overwise he would not have picked on me despite the face he was te same height as me.

someone explained to me that the bully had a hearing impairment problem and struggled to get through school and it was nothing personal the attack me according to the nurse.

Inronicly this incident occured outside the teacher room. Where are teachers when you need them.

Last edited by Jamesy on 22 Dec 2010, 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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22 Dec 2010, 3:30 pm

sorry you had to go through that


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22 Dec 2010, 3:38 pm

I know looking back it does haunt me. I guess that was really the first 'serious' fight i was ever in and I crashed and burned amazingly.


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22 Dec 2010, 3:39 pm

Pretty epic stuff there. There were times when I was picked on at school (almost never) and I just ignored it and walked away. But I have fantasies of revenge, shooting them, gaining superpowers and burning them, pausing time and placing them in front of a moving bus!! :twisted: Muhahaha!! Sorry, got carried away there...


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22 Dec 2010, 3:41 pm

Yeah but the thing is I was bullied a lot in school and i guess that it really pissed me off at the end of the day. Prior to that incident I would usally walk away but not that time. :(

To be honest I was starting to get cocky and big headed before that fight and that attack kinda taught me my lesson.

I think i could have bipolar disorder or i am a schiziod becasue i completely lost control. maybe it was just teenage hormones?

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22 Dec 2010, 3:56 pm

I think you did fine and it had a decent outcome, considering the bully's jailtime. You stood up for yourself. I think bullies are less likely to bully when you do so. Had you gotten more physical then maybe you'd have had more serious injuries, and a broken jaw is bad enough. But had you not faced up to the guy then the school bullies might have considered you easier prey and gave you worse trouble later.

Contrasting with the most similar experience that I had, I wish that I'd have done something like you did. I did not react to bullies and it became progressively worse. So being passive doesn't help.

One day a bully snuck behind me while I was playing cards with a friend and wrapped duct tape over my mouth. I ripped off the tape and tossed it at him. Then he gave me a black eye and I ended it by walking to the boys' room to take care of the damage. All that happened in front of the entire school orchestra, plenty of witnesses (except no teacher).

End result? The vice principal made excuses for the bully being disadvantaged (nevermind that he wore business formal suit and tie to school and his dad was a lawyer). Then she punished us both! Suspension for him and all day detention for me due to tossing the tape back. When my dad protested my punishment, she admitted it wasn't about the tape but wanted to avoid someone making it into a racial issue (which no one was even thinking about except the stupid VP) since we were different races. My dad never escalated that obvious injustice for whatever reason.

Considering that I was punished for getting a black eye and the bully continued to be a jerk, I should have done something back to him. Even if it didn't reduce the bullying at least there'd have been a valid reason for my punishment.

Though upside was that detention was way more fun than school: finished all my assignments in about an hour and sat in blissful silence reading my Piers Anthony novel all day long. :)

So yeah, I regret that I didn't strike back or at minimum yell back like you did. Good for you!


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22 Dec 2010, 4:02 pm

In school i was bullied by laods of different groups. I think maybe i might some anger problems that is why i lashed out? I remember at the time though i was suffering from depression as well.

A few monts after the incident the bully did short work experience at a tyre shop opposite my house. Both me and him gave each other a nasty staredown when i eyeballed him while he was working opposite my house.

The bully got no jail time either.


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22 Dec 2010, 7:00 pm

Well, I will take the other perspective just for the purpose of debate. It can be said that by kicking him you escalated the confrontation. Had you not done so you probably would not have had your jaw broken. Was it worth it?

Sometimes it can be. I was bullied from 6th - 9th grade, prior to that I was in a special school. In the middle of 9th grade I decided I had enough and pounded a kid unconscious. It was not the correct move, but I was never bullied again by anybody after that.


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22 Dec 2010, 7:15 pm

Yeah but if your bullied so much at school you can only take so much and you just 'snap'.


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22 Dec 2010, 7:19 pm

Jamesy wrote:
Yeah but if your bullied so much at school you can only take so much and you just 'snap'.

I'm not sure that is the case for everyone


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22 Dec 2010, 7:22 pm

When we feel we have no recourse in our life we take it out on where we do have recourse.

I was one of the unlucky kids who was bullied from k-12th. And even now in college the teachers still see me as weird and awkward. I'm challenging. The peer bullying stop, but trying to gain acceptance is very hard in my life.

However, the way I handled bullied was getting smarter then them.

When I was younger my comebacks weren't as awesome as they are today, but its how you learn.

In middle school:

Bully, "You're stupid and ugly,"

My response, "I'm sorry you feel that way about yourself,"

Bully, "No you're the one that's stupid and ugly,"

My response, "Yes, I know you told me you were stupid and ugly already,"

Bully would walk away.


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22 Dec 2010, 7:26 pm

Pandora_Box wrote:
Bully would walk away.

You had a different breed of bully than I grew up with :D


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22 Dec 2010, 7:36 pm

Listen usually I would walk away I just don't know what i was thinking i guess that time i just lost it. At the time of incident i did go around being cocky thinking i was tough and a badass. Since that incident I never think like that anymore.

i was also suffering from depression at the time.

maybe a few anger management class would not hurt either.

Do you guys think i just went on auto pilot mode when i kicked him? I don't even think i felt anger when i went up to kick, i think someone in my body just kicked of that reaction from me :?

It could be a bit of bipolar or schiziophrenia making me do that?


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22 Dec 2010, 7:39 pm

MidlifeAspie wrote:
You had a different breed of bully than I grew up with :D

Its all cultural and based on neighborhood.

I tended to outwit the bullies and tended to get rid of them by alienating them and making them look like a fool.

I did get punched and beat up a lot.

And I had my fair share of meltdowns in school too. Meltdowns that consisted me of knocking my own head on the cement though. Kids made fun of me because of that.

But...I tried ya know to fight back when I was being punched, but I could never punch someone hard enough for them to leave me alone.

I learned to fight with my intellect. The one thing they didn't have.

Sometimes the outwitting them just made them want to punch me. And they did. I remember sometimes I'd skip class, crying in the bathrooms. I'd get in trouble for skipping, but I hated it there. I hated to be alive. I hated who I was. I hated everything. I felt lonely, cursed.

I also hated the classroom to begin with because they were loud always full of kids screaming and teachers screaming at kids.

One time we had a teacher who tried to slam a plastic clipboard onto the table. What ended up happening was the plastic clipboard snapped and a shard fell into a girls eyes. He was fired.

But in public school there was a lot of struggle of control. A lot of loud and misbehaved students.

I had no recourse and was very violent to my family. Something I shouldn't have. But I wasn't winning any wars at school. I had no recourse at school. I was always the kid no one really believed, even though I had never lied and I'm being serious on this.

I sought recourse and took it out on my baby brothers. I regret it now. But it all comes down to recourse.

If you feel you have no recourse, you take recourse where you do have recourse.

Recourse is like a counter. A counter attack.


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22 Dec 2010, 7:45 pm

Do you think i probbaly just plain underestimated how much stronger he was than me?


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22 Dec 2010, 7:52 pm

Jamesy wrote:
Do you think i probbaly just plain underestimated how much stronger he was than me?

No, you didn't underestimate him.

Actually in this situation I find him breaking your jaw a little more of an over reaction on his part then what you did.

Personally, if someone tripped me I would have tripped him back. I see no fault in your actions. But maybe I'm not the best person to say anything about this situation.