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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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24 Dec 2010, 3:29 pm

I've been having a real good time up until now since I've been able to spend all day in solitude doing chemistry experiments and learning stuff and I wanna keep going like this but tomorrows christmas day and I'm "supposed" to spend it socialising with the family and friends. To make matters worse I was born on christmas day so theres no way I'm gonna get away with going off and doing my own thing all day. I can have a good time getting drunk and stoned on christmas with other people but I have a way better time by myself indulging on my obsessions and on top of that I get all sorts of stuff because many of my obsessions are productive so I often wonder why the hell I should waste my time doing the BS that so called normal people like to do simply because its the norm and they think I should make an effort to get involved in it. Although I do try and get people involved in my obsessions, you don't see me trying to convince them that what I like is what they should like. Do you get involved with the christmas social BS every year too or have you tried just rejecting it altogether so you can actually have a good time on christmas?


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24 Dec 2010, 4:00 pm

cnidocyte wrote:
I've been having a real good time up until now since I've been able to spend all day in solitude doing chemistry experiments and learning stuff and I wanna keep going like this but tomorrows christmas day and I'm "supposed" to spend it socialising with the family and friends. To make matters worse I was born on christmas day so theres no way I'm gonna get away with going off and doing my own thing all day. I can have a good time getting drunk and stoned on christmas with other people but I have a way better time by myself indulging on my obsessions and on top of that I get all sorts of stuff because many of my obsessions are productive so I often wonder why the hell I should waste my time doing the BS that so called normal people like to do simply because its the norm and they think I should make an effort to get involved in it. Although I do try and get people involved in my obsessions, you don't see me trying to convince them that what I like is what they should like. Do you get involved with the christmas social BS every year too or have you tried just rejecting it altogether so you can actually have a good time on christmas?

I'm fixing to go over to my mom's this Christmas Eve, I don't reject it all together because the only place I am required to go is my mom's. I stopped going to extended family get togethers a while ago. I just can't handle them.
I don't try to convince them to like what i like, that isn't really a problem. I just get bored and don't like drama. I used to have to go and I never really liked going. Now that I am grown, I don't have to. I feel like I finally have some control over my lifewhich is what I've always craved!


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24 Dec 2010, 4:47 pm

This is EXACTLY why i signed up to work on Christmas Day. My shift tomorrow is 7am-3pm, i might not be able to miss dinner, but i will miss most of the small talk and socialization.

And my week's paid vacation begins sunday Woo-Hoo!

I don't know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future.

Blue Jay
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24 Dec 2010, 5:52 pm

Yikes! I can't imagine growing up with Christmas and the birthday both on the same get them both over with at once, that way...yeah, that would have been cool!

My BD is in November so I pretty much spent the few weeks between "anticipating" the drop of that other shoe. It was like a "month of Sundays". I used to spend my Sundays dreading Mondays. I really hated that. I was wasting a whole day that I DIDN'T have to deal with people counting down the hours to when I DID have to deal with them. So I started setting the alarm for late Sunday night. That way I had all day Sunday to myself and only wasted the last hour or so dreading the next day. NOW I set the timer for the last possible moment every MORNING so that I have bags and BAGS more time to myself. It even made the dealing with others part easier! Probably because I don't have all of that negative momentum behind it!

Why don't you try that? Set up a reminder on your computer for late Christmas Eve and use that as the beginning of the dread time? And do as you please until the reminder pops up?

I use alarms, reminders and timers a lot. Does anyone else do that?


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24 Dec 2010, 6:12 pm

Being a Christian, I reject Christmas as it breaks the first of the 10 commandments and God shows what he thinks of mixing pagan worship, (the birthday of the Sun) with pure worship at Haggi Chapter 2

"11 “This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘Ask the priests what the law says: 12 If someone carries consecrated meat in the fold of their garment, and that fold touches some bread or stew, some wine, olive oil or other food, does it become consecrated?’”

The priests answered, “No.”

13 Then Haggai said, “If a person defiled by contact with a dead body touches one of these things, does it become defiled?”

“Yes,” the priests replied, “it becomes defiled.”

14 Then Haggai said, “‘So it is with this people and this nation in my sight,’ declares the LORD. ‘Whatever they do and whatever they offer there is defiled. "

Thus, I have a great (though genuine) excuse for not even returning Christmas Cards.

"Sorry, Id Love to come, but Iam a Christian."

(For those that dont understand the Haggi quote, basically its saying, if something religiously clean touches something dirty, the clean thing doesnt make the dirty thing clean, (as in the Catholic excuse that it been consecrated), its the opposite, a dirty thing makes something clean dirty so God rejects it all.)


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24 Dec 2010, 7:17 pm

I have asked all my friends for the "day off" from socializing for xmas this year. They gave it to me. I actually get to realax and do MY stuff tomorrow. (for the most part anyway)


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24 Dec 2010, 11:26 pm

i am not religious, its just another day of the year.

else, happy holidays everybody :)


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25 Dec 2010, 2:29 am

i am thankful my sister wants me over at her house to eat some good food and be around like-minded folk.


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25 Dec 2010, 2:12 pm

I always sign up to work the night of Christmas Eve, mainly because the pay is better. But I still go see my family before going to work. And then more family on the 25th. And it is always so stressful. No sleep for 2 days.
This year, however, something strange happened. It is Christmas Day and I have NOTHING to do and NO ONE to see. After the eve with family, I worked. Now I find out that ALL the rest of the family is busy on Christmas Day--- a MIRACLE!! ! So I came home after work and slept--- something that I never get to do on Christmas. And it felt GOOD! It's as if "Santa" gave me a present after all.


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25 Dec 2010, 2:25 pm

My parents used to threaten to take away my coumputer and special intrests if i did not go to visit family. My aunt, uncle and cousin always ignored me anyway. My mom had her sister to talk too, my dad and her husband were good friends and my cousin always had his hundred plus friends over. The only one who truely seemed to appriciate me coming over was Chico, the dog. They made him stay outside tied to the deck all day and I would play with him until my parents and aunt made me come back in "to give Chico a break".

Eventually I refused to go even if I was punished so my parents saw no point in forcing me to go. They would try and quilt trip me into going but I've always been immune to quilt trips. If people really wanted to see me that bad, they could have come to MY house. When I get my own place, I plan to be one of those "married to the job" types and be working as an on call vet. I could always say I had to go deliver a foal. Horses love to be born at momments that are inconveient to most people.

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25 Dec 2010, 3:19 pm

Another reason I wish I had a job. I could ask to work on holidays.

I live with my family at the moment, unfortunately, but I wouldn't mind being away. I'd enjoy it. Except for my room, I hate living here.

Lousy employers, missing out on a perfectly good employee willing to work on holidays, all weekends, and willing to break their back for you.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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25 Dec 2010, 6:11 pm

This christmas isn't that bad at all. Theres only about 10 people in my house right now and they don't seem to give a crap what I'm doing. To top it off, my family didn't sing that happy birthday song for me. 8) Me and my brothers have the house to ourselves for the night though and its inevitible that they're gonna bring a shedload of their friends over at about 1AM and at least they all like drinking and getting high so theres one thing I can enjoy doing with them.

Cyd wrote:
Yikes! I can't imagine growing up with Christmas and the birthday both on the same get them both over with at once, that way...yeah, that would have been cool!

Actually its more of a blessing in disguise. Since its christmas, most people forget its my birthday and nobody will ever try to throw a birthday party for me cuz theres already something going on that day. And yeah like you said, I get both occasions over with at once.


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25 Dec 2010, 10:25 pm

Hmm.. Well, personally, I love the holidays and spending time with family. Me and my parents just went over to my grandparents' house and we exchanged gifts and had dinner.

I even got invited to a small Christmas party a few days ago. I didn't know most of the people there, but we ate and played board games and I had fun.


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25 Dec 2010, 10:32 pm

I personally like it, because I spend time with family. I do try to find some time on this day to be alone, which I managed to do. :)


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26 Dec 2010, 3:19 am

Any holiday is very stressful for me. I usually have a very hard time sleeping at all the night before out of worry, dread, stress. Last night was that night.

I have my kids over to my house every year and now we have little grandpeople. I stress over gifts and food and everything. My house is never clean and it's always just this enormous effort that has to go into preparing myself to appear somewhat normal for that day. Times when my family has brought an outsider (boyfriend, girlfriend) it's waaaay worse. I really feel on the spot and sure that I'm doing everything wrong. Lots of stress.

Once they're all here and fed and the shock of the gifts is over with and everyone has settled down to just talking and playing with new toys, etc, then I enjoy it. It's just getting to that point that's very hard.

I really just don't enjoy days that are off - like weekends and holidays - in general. I like when things are running normally.

Solitude is impracticable, and society fatal.

-- Emerson