This is something I have always wondered about other Aspies.
I find in my head, all of my thoughts race so fast, It's almost hard to keep up with them. As soon as I wake up, I can basically look at everything in the room in a matter of two seconds. When my eyes are closed, or if I'm asleep and dreaming, my eyes move around really fast like they do when I'm awake, looking at everything. Oddly enough I sleep with my eyes open a little bit and even if I cant see someone looking at me, I can sense it and I will wake up. People are amazed at how fast I can read things, I usually fly through the tv guide. I can multitask with my thinking and keep track of 3 or 4 conversations at once, but at times, everything I hear goes in my head and just sits there. When that happens, I cant remember anything I hear. I cant process or move numbers around in my head, so I'm horrible at math. I find it impossible to think sometimes, but yet somehow I still do things. I have trouble sleeping because my mind races at night. I can't slow it down. Everynow and then, I breakdown, because it gets to be so much, it hurts my head.
Does anyone else experience this? Or am I going crazy?