Hi all,
I'm not sure if I have aspergers or not, but my mom always has been telling me I do, and I do recognize myself in at least some of the symptoms I've read. I have a tendency to ramble to people about things, regardless of whether they're interested or not. I can't tell if I do it because it annoys them and I want to annoy people (so I'm just some kind of sadist) or if it's because I cannot tell they are not interested in what I'm saying, or both.
So far I've stayed in school, which has made it pretty easy to get along, because you generally do well in class-rooms if you have a tendency to ramble, at least if you're somewhat articulate. But it has made it difficult for me to form any lasting "socially acceptable support systems", to quote "The Guild".
I'm a graduate student in philosophy at UCSB, I'm pretty lonely (though in a sense I don't mind being lonely, because I always have some interest or other with which to occupy my time). I guess lately I've been spending a lot of time doing whatever random things seem to interest me (I watched some movie version of "Hamlet" twice in the past couple of days). I also get high a lot, and I'm worried that might be causing me to think I have aspergers, but I think sometimes that maybe I like to use it because it distracts me from feeling bad about not being with other people.
(I have a very developed sense of guilt, and usually feel guilty when I'm not doing something that I think people whom I approve of would approve of.)