melissa17b wrote:
My MTS is a source of great amusement to a couple of people who have discovered it. While I don't feel slight things, I do experience most discomfort-inducing actions I watch as if they were being done to me. The person being touched, hit, skin stretched, etc. might not feel any pain, but I feel it at the same level as if the action were being done directly to me.
It requires seeing the painful activity live. Talking about it, or even watching it in a movie or on television does not trigger an MTS response.
For me, watching movies or TV shows can do it. I can't watch those shows that constantly show people involved in little accidents (like America's Funniest Home Videos) or those awful Jackass movies. And I don't necessarily feel "pain" but rather weird tingling sensations that seem to travel up the entire body; not the most unpleasant feeling in the world but it does get bothersome if it happens over and over again.