ADHDorASDorBoth wrote:
Okay, I'm doing my short term fixation rounds again so I have some more questions to fill the gaps in between my all pervasive procrastination.
Has anyone tried, and observed their differences, nicorette or other alternative nicotine delivery systems, to aid symptoms of.
MAjor procrastination
Feelings of depression, but perhaps just mental compulsive thinking/analysis paralysis....
no direction
no motivation
never any good at school due to the classic like attention deficits of easy distractibility "ooh, a butterfly" " ooh a noise" "ooh, a cloud" etc etc
social anxieties
speaking anxieties
scared to show emotions
not wanting to get involved in nitty gritty emotional conflicts (except for anger perhaps)
I've started using Nicabate lozenges (4mg cut into quarters --> 1 quarter ~ 1 mg), to stay awake and alert.
I drink coffee in the morning, but I find that the tolerance builds up very fast, and 1 cup of coffee no longer makes me as clear-headed as in the past.
I limit myself to no more than 3 mg of Nicotine a day, and I don't eat more than 1 mg (a quarter of a lozenge) every 2 hours. Usually I end up eating my Nicabate in the afternoon to stop me from having post-prandial somnolence (sleepy/fatigued after eating lunch especially).
I was completely surprised by how effective the Nicotine was at keeping me awake and reasonably alert. Usually I'd fall asleep or space out in the afternoon, but I recall one lecture which I felt more interested in while Nicotine was in my bloodstream, but when I look at the lecture now it seemed a bit boring. I don't have access to Ritalin or amphetamines, so this is probably the closest legal alternative for me in mildly increasing Dopamine levels.
If nicotine can increase alertness, clear-headedness and focus to this degree, I shudder to imagine how strong Ritalin and amphetamines would be in terms of psychoactive and systemic effects. I remember when I accidentally ate 2 mg (half a lozenge) in one go and my pulse (after half an hour) increased to about 110 beats/minute when I was sitting!! !
Thankfully my regular blood-pressure is in the normal range, although if I see a GP next time, I'll ask him to measure my blood-pressure for extra confirmation.
I'm aware that the half-life of Nicotine is very short, around 2-3 hours IIRC, but I also use that to my advantage, in that I don't use any Nicabate on the weekend to minimize my tolerance. If I had any withdrawal symptoms on the weekend, it would've indicated the start of an addiction, and I'd just stay off Nicabate for an extra week or so to make it go back to 0.