Oh, I definitely want friends. I just need time to do stuff by myself as well. It is an issue. Doing stuff by myself is infinitely more easier than maintaining friends, so all my life I've invested more into doing stuff yb myself than making friends. But that doesn't mean I don't want any.
For much of my life, i wasn't aware of my loneliness. Now I'm better aware of it, I cope with it better, but it still hurts. Sometimes I just need to lay in bed and cry about feeling so lonely and isolated. I have had friends sporadically throughout my life--in typical Aspie fashion, I often have had one intense friendship at a time. I have been blessed to have had some very unique and stimulating friends, and many fo my past friends, I miss very much. but like a typical Aspie, I can't maintain friends for very long. This is a considerable struggle for me emotionally. I yearn for a partner who is my friend and mindmate, if not my soulmate. I don't desire a gaggle of friends, just one person who I can connect to on that rare level, and know I'm accepted, even if the rest of the world is a stranger to me. And I just am astonished and perpetually saddened at how hard finding that in this world is. Billions of people, and not a single one I can be genuine friends with for more than a short period, at most.
However, at my age, you learn a thing or two, and that is you don't have to be an Aspie to be alone in this world. Lots of lonely people in this world. So in that regard, I'm not so alone after all.
There was a time I felt like a textbook case of Asperger's, but never of autism itself. I don't handflap or rock or stim like that. I didn't have any verbal delays--I'm hyperlexic and just find talking counterintuitive. I don't really have screaming, emotionally violent meltdowns--they are far more internal, and I've actually have had to learn to display my anger and stress outwardly. I still think I'm pretty cut-and-dry Asperger's (a bit on the "gifted" side perhaps), although they keep changing the definitions of Asperger's. I've not change though--I mean, I'm an Aspie afterall, I hate change.
Last edited by Mercurial on 03 Jan 2011, 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.