I have also read that many undiagnosed celiacs- (people with gluten intolerance)- have GERD. It is possible, according to what I´ve read, that 90% of the cases of celiac disease are undiagnosed....i.e., people who are gluten intolerant but don´t know it. It can happen that GERD is a symptom of a deeper problem, and when that digestive problem is solved, the GERD disappears.
I´m not saying that all people with GERD are necessarily celiacs. But for anyone who has recurring problems with gastric reflux, you might want to try a gluten free diet and see if you feel any better over time. I´m saying this mostly for information purposes: I myself am a celiac, and since I discovered that I was gluten intolerant, and went on the gluten free diet, my digestion changed drastically! (For the better). It might just be good to look into, if you´re not sure.
"death is the road to awe"