ok, Im sorry but I cant take it anymore. I have no problem with poetry that doesn't rhyme, I really dont. Its when it just doesn't seem to have a point at all, and it seems like someone decided to write sentences but press enter at random parts in them. It's just seems like its disrespectful to anyone whoever was famous for their work. I mean, if shakespeare or poe, or tennyson, or anyone ever read these, they'd go ballistic. There's no creativity, no feeling, no depth, just sentences with odd spacing, and a lack of punctuation.
I really am sorry, because I have no idea how old you are or how sensitive you are to criticism. I just can't stand it when someone claims to do what I do(in this case write poetry) and shows no sense of intelligence or sheer training in the english language.
Again I dont mean to discourage you from expressing yourself through writting but please, learn to put some effort into it. Either that or dont show it. Its an embarrasment to the people who are trying to make a career out of the craft.
Also, dont think its because I dont understand what you're trying to say. I realize the message clearly. You are different and because of that, you feel it safer to exclude yourself from the real world and live in your imagination. A place where your sensitivities dont get over stimulated to the point of agony. A place where you can be yourself without worrying about persecution. The problem is that you show no sense of direction or creativity in this "work". You show no ability to use metaphors or similies. No rhetoric. It's just painful to read. I'm sorry but someone had to tell you. I can't stand it when people allow others to make a mockery of art, creativity, and most importantly, the power of the mind. Simplicity is used for the ignorant. Read a book, hell, you have the internet somewhere, so look up some classic poets, and then some new age poets. Read so that you may see your faults and improve upon them. If you think I shouldn't tell my opinion if I myself wont show others my work and afford the same criticism to myself, I have work up in the arts, music and writing forum area. Please, until you learn something about writting poetry, dont show it to others. It allows others to make you look like an idiot. No, Im not an NT, I just learned from the world that if you give others a reason to make you feel like s**t, dont be pissed off when they do.