Barracuda wrote:
SheDevil wrote:
I keep reading that Aspies can't lie
Bad sources, perhaps?
I will lie to my parents and family; when asked how my day was I will usually reply fine, even if it wasn't.
I usually don't like to lie.
Same here. When I was younger, I was also very, very manipulative when I wanted something, although I didn't generally lie over it--I was an expert at tailoring the truth to suit me. I am a very bad liar; if I try to lie about something big, I get nervous, and when I get nervous, I start smiling, and then everything goes lopsided.
On the other hand, I believe 'white' lies are usually stupid. I don't lie about people's looks, and I don't lie about having prior commitments when I don't want to go to a social event.
cogito, ergo sum.
non cogitas, ergo non es.