Touch is a hug shock to my system if I am not expecting it. It's not painful, just extremely surprising (kind of feels like the jolt of surprise you get when shocked by electric current). If I know to expect touch from certain people, I can be desensitized somewhat with those individuals. However, with others who do not typically or regularly touch me, I will still be extremely sensitive to it. When I was younger, I was so sensitive to it that I could tell when someone was reaching out to touch my hair from behind. I would get shivers up and down my spine when they did touch it, so I would tell them stop before their hand was within an inch of my hair.
Light, sound, and motion sensitivity all vary for me. They are all three much, much worse when my allergies are acting up. My eyes will hurt when I encounter light, I will tremble because of sound, and I will be very sick from motion. During those times, I have to close my door, turn off all light and sound, and then curl up on my bed and try to sleep it off.
I am also much more sensitive in the mornings. I guess the isolation from light and sound makes me more sensitive to it. In order for me to desensitize, I must take a shower before I start the day. I find that the sound of the running water (white noise) helps me greatly. Also, turning off the lights and lighting candles or turning on battery-operated candles helps with adjusting my eyes to light during this time.
If I tell you I'm unique, and you say, "Yeah, we all are," you've missed the whole point.
RAADS-R: 187.0
Language: 15.0 • Social Relatedness: 81.0 • Sensory/Motor: 52.0 • Circumscribed Interests: 40.0
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 165 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 47 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)