I can predict what going to be on TV!

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06 Mar 2011, 5:21 pm

Dont ask me how but this has happened to me too many times to just call a coincidence, honestly it's happened so many freaking times now. this didnt start recently either this has happened for quite a while since i was 7 or somthing it's weird. I'll remember a scene out of an episode of what ever show i watched and that same scene will stick in my head for the whole day. And sure enough 1 - 7 days later i will see the same scene or episode that i thought of. It has happened where it's occured 2 - 3 weeks after thinking the scene but that may be coincidence maybe not who know's?

Anyways what do you want to watch approx 3 days from now i'll see if it's on TV for you :lol:

Youtube killed the video star!

My favorite letter is the squiggly! ~ :D


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06 Mar 2011, 5:39 pm

I make extremely similar predictions but not related to TV specifically.

I think subtle energies are picked up by the sub concious mind and are sometimes interpreted into a form we can consciously understand.

I believe in precognition because I've often sensed locations, conversations and other various events before they have happened. Predicting them is difficult because of my short term memory issues. When I feel like i am predicting something all the details suddenly rush into my head in chronological order compared to how they are to unfold in future.

It is a strong feeling. All the details appear to me suddenly then in a few moments I forget the bulk of it (as I do with everything in all honesty) whilst maintaining a strong association between what I sensed and that it was not my imagination. There is no doubt in my mind I've imagined things which are none sense but over time I've recognised that there are too many instances to even be able to doubt it any more.

When it happens I will get a strong sense, similar, but not quite the same as De Ja Vu. This applies for both before an event and after. After an event I will make a strong connection between what is in front of me, a sense of familiarity and have that strong De Ja Vu connection back to when I first sensed the situation.

A few notable things for me is predicting the death of Princess Diana before anything was reported anywhere. I was 6, 7, 8 or whatever year old at the time. I got up, I went through to my parents room and simply said "The princess has died." They asked me if anything was wrong, I went back to bed then the next morning it was on the TV. I was in my bedroom and not listening to TV, radio or anything.

I predicted Michael Jacksons death and knew I'd hear about it on the radio too.

There have been countless times I sensed conversations exactly as they play out or see locations I've not yet been to as well.

Edit: I take into account the possibility of coincidence also and can say it may apply sometimes to myself but there have been far too many occasions where I believe it could not apply.

Here is an article from 2008 on the matter;


Epistemic Access to the Future


Ty Estus Narada

Tiffin University, 2008

Dr. Randy Mullis, Adviser


Apart from its natural intrigue, everyone has experienced a precognitive moment at least once during his or her life. Some may attribute their premonitive sensations to divine influence while others might call it luck. When so many32 law enforcement officers feel that their hunches and feelings have solved a crime or saved a life, the concept of precognitive interdiction clearly deserves more treatment.

Because the future has not yet happened, the dilemma for scientists has been, “How do we quantify something that is yet to occur?” Interestingly, it is the quantum understanding of ‘time’ that ultimately answers the question. Quantum mechanics and neurological science suggests that precognition is provable; that the study of future potentials can be removed from fiction, theology and mysticism because every day examples of exosensory perception can be found in nature. Because advanced knowledge can offer a tactical advantage to its possessor, it is likely that the first investors will be financial concerns with no regulation or oversight. Once the concept of precognitive crime arises, a legal response is inevitable.

The preliminary structure of precognitive potentials16 exists with experimental thought-controlled avionics systems and within the behavioral sciences. Neurologists study the brain’s interaction with stimuli. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has introduced Behavior Detection Officers to filter for risk-pattern behavior, which is the first public step toward precognitive interdiction.

One particularly enlightening university experiment proved that precognition exists in animal and pre-natal subjects. The military and federally-funded laboratories have also conducted analogous precognitive studies to determine precognitive potential. The private sector has an amusing variation.

Einstein’s Unified Theory accepts precognitive potential and abridges concepts traditionally reserved for religion to hard science. Alternatives include dystopian realities and a parallel science called remote viewing. The future of precognitive interdiction, although intrinsically intertwined with quantum mechanics, rests with how society rejects or values such an exploration. The true mystery is whether people will choose to believe or not to believe, or more precisely: Is ‘truth’ limited only to what people will believe?


“We can not quantify the unquantifiable, yet,

who hasn’t experienced a ‘hunch’ or a ‘feeling’

that actually came true?” -- J. Z. Knight

If a duty sergeant asked his officers during role call, “Who here has experienced a hunch or a feeling that actually came true?” Chances are that every officer would raise their hand.32 There are moments when seemingly random events fall into alignment like tumblers in a lock – Déjà vu. Precognition can be vague or clear; it can solve a crime or locate an object used in a crime. It may be a subtle sensation of being observed or knowledge that someone is behind you. Law enforcement officers admit that feelings and hunches are necessary to do their job; that without intuitive hunches – they would be disconnected…out of touch with reality or possibly another statistic on the nightly news.32

The concept of precognitive interdiction was buried in metaphysics until recently when quantum mechanics and neurological science demonstrated that precognitive potential truly exists. By studying the space-time1 level of geometry in a quantum module, physicists discovered that sensory information travels back in time to the brain. If that statement is true, then the future should have a causative effect right now. (What The Bleep 2006)

To maintain clarity on relevant research, it is necessary to divorce precognitive interdiction from magic, mysticism and science fiction since all three categories are abundantly represented in many works. Religion ascribes the architecture of time to God, and although not premeditated to fit within the quantum view – it does. Mystics figuratively make 365 predictions on which way an object will travel, and then claim supernatural accuracy when one of those predictions is accurate. Magicians manipulate objects to stage illusions that are neither precognitive nor clairvoyant. However economic or appealing the perspective, mysticism and magic are irrelevant.

The realistic interpretation is composed of scientists who wish to explore the exodynamics of human sensory perception and the possibilities that exosensory perception may contain. The intention is to venture beyond intuition but stop at the threshold of exosensory attentuation, which will be treated in a later work if warranted. Other interpretations may blend elements of fiction or magic with science to substantiate a personal view. Of the many possibilities, only the realistic interpretation will proceed.


By its most pedestrian interpretation, “Law enforcement” is a reaction to ‘law breaking’ and visible symbols of law serve as a crime deterrent. What if law enforcement was also a prevention that could interdict criminal behavior, not unlike the purpose of intelligence indications and warnings? The ramifications are exponentially incalculable. Many inventions born in wartime inherit a civilian use in peacetime and visa versa. The objects in themselves are not animated, but can facilitate good or evil depending upon who uses them – good and evil is in the observer’s point of view. It would seem logical then, that if precognition could be used as a crime deterrent, that criminals could use precognition to interdict law. There is a contextual flaw. Crime violates the dimensions of law, while “Law” animates the social environment. The law exists in all contexts even though crime ignores the law and the law punishes crime. Law creates the environment in which anarchy may occur. Contextually, the environment is one object and the movement within that environment is another. It is that contrast that excites precognitive potential: Precognition is expansive – crime is contractive, and both enable good and evil depending upon the observer’s point of view.

<span>When did precognition escape metaphysics? </span>

During the dark ages, asocial persons with presumed unnatural abilities became the archetype of modern vampires. Unnatural abilities generally involve an uncommon sensory manifestation that could imperil one’s safety if revealed. Such persons during the post-renaissance, reformation2 period could be institutionalized, and who is to say that the objects in an individual’s private universe are not really there? It was not until the 1960’s American drug-revolution that ESP, telekinesis and transcendental states of mind were liberated for more objective debate. Science initially labeled all forms of paranormal activity as a quaziscience because quazisciences are non-empirical hypotheses that are socially approximate, but neither valid nor invalid according to the philosophy of science (i.e. Theology). When it was postulated that an electrically-driven brain should interact with various forms of ambient energy, the concept of exosensory interaction was given the name, Psionics.3 It is within that definition that precognitive potentials exist. Pulp fiction stereotypes portray wise men who can see into the future when realistically, precognition contains neither ‘wisdom’ nor ‘experience’ Experience provides the abstract from which wisdom is composed. Experience makes trend analysis possible and wisdom knows which trends to avoid. It is normal to make future predictions based on trend analysis but future forecasts are based upon past events. Precognition is different because it discovers facts outside conventional perceptions of time and apart from conventional analysis techniques.

‘We are the culmination of our sensory perception to date.’33 There are examples of sensory perception in nature that are considered unnatural to humans. If the human brain receives a stimulus beyond normal parameters, that interaction is called exosensory. Dolphins use sonar; bats use echolocation and dogs hear ultrasonic sounds. There are creatures that see beyond the human visual spectrum. Birds use the earth’s magnetic field to migrate. Experimental technology designed to facilitate the exploration of exosensory potentials is in development.4 Ironically, 300 years ago, the mare suggestion that a human might possess unnatural sensory abilities was considered witchcraft as the Salem witch trials suggest.39 Evidently, the condemned were unable to escape their fate or their xenophobic circumstance.


Exosensory potential is impaired when the mind is cluttered with irrelevant, thought-consuming data. That does not suggest that humans cannot multitask, it merely indicates a loss of focus. Although exosensory potentials do exist everywhere, attentuation is impossible if the potential is not recognized. Or simply, ‘out-of-sight is out-of-mind.’ Contradictions, inconvenience and deception induce precognitive failure and have a neurological explanation. Thought pathways required to expand precognitive awareness are immersed in a structured social regimen that must be obliged to avoid inconvenience.34 People lose their focus every 6 to 10 seconds, which arrests precognitive development. Even though it may be many years before psionics proliferates, scientific curiosity will undoubtedly approach and cross that threshold in its course.

Precognitive interdiction is not about cleansing the earth of every nuance infraction, but to save lives and property before a crime is committed. Every day, people waste untold thought potential on anarchy. In a future sense, that waste could impair a precognitive interdiction operation. Crime fighting agencies already go through extraordinary deductive lengths to pre-empt criminal behavior, but ‘the intent’ to commit a crime and the actual commission of a crime have different legal connotations. (Lerner 2008) Someone who could precognitively prevent a crime might become a suspect for knowing about the crime. It is also possible that the interdicted-perpetrator’s attorney would sue the State for slander and defamation since a crime was not committed. There are on-going debates of ‘good gone awry:’ The Fourth Amendment was not intended to protect terrorist fundraising,5 but it does because of ‘unreasonable search and seizure.’ FISA6 was not created to violate the privacy of everyone, but Congress decided that it violates the 1st, 4th and 14th Amendments.25 Although the American judicial system is forced to navigate a perpetual river of ambiguous semantics, the most prudent next step is to describe the cultural dynamics in which precognition exists.


Information is influenced by environment and cultural aesthetics that include language, religion, architecture, courtesies and customs that are shared in common. What may appear symbolic or factual in one environment could convey a different meaning elsewhere. A psionic environment communicates with simple symbols since language, words and complex symbols may not be universally shared. In a non-psionic environment people use hand gestures to communicate because acoustic gibberish is meaningless. The development of psionics builds upon simple mental symbols with evolving complexity as all languages have developed.7 Speech may eventually become another romantic dead language8 should psionic communication evolve. DaVinci’s heliocentric theory was also considered heresy in his time.35

It would be dangerous for the legal establishment to dismiss precognitive interdiction as ethically unenforceable because <span>the private sector will develop precognitive industrial espionage</span> with or without legal constraints. A viciously competitive free market makes every enterprise vulnerable to all types of malicious precognitive activity. Currently, such activities have no legal definition because most state governments do not recognize precognitive crime. Emotions like ‘disbelief’ and ‘inconvenience’ place law enforcement in a helplessly precarious position. Since the advantage favors the high ground,36 it may be prudent for law enforcement to contemplate precognitive crime rather than dismiss the possibility altogether.

Cultural dynamics from an intelligence gathering perspective encompasses volumes of nuance detail that appears cryptic to the untrained. It is the emotional context of non-verbal communication that adds depth to understanding. It is algebraically correct, that if one side can precognitively intercept an enemy’s intention – then the other side can too. Aside from perpetually endless conspiracy theories, the larger state governments have been experimenting with precognitive possibilities since the 1970’s for military reconnaissance.9 Technology has evolved to include thought-controlled avionics and flight-control systems10 that enable pilots to operate aircraft movement and weapons systems purely by thinking. There is a subtle neurological question that can bridge a thought-controlled aerial dogfight to precognitive science. Is second place the first loser or is first place a lucky guess? Precognition can be understood by examining its subparts.


When a stimulus is repeated often enough, the observer is conditioned to respond a certain way. Repetition becomes an object and familiarity becomes automatic. In our physical world, opposites attract; men and women, north and south, positive and negative, but not all physical attributes are polarized that way. In wave theory,11 like-attracts-like; most convincingly demonstrated with musical tuning forks. The vibration of one tuning fork will cause other tuning forks to vibrate if they are attenuated to the same frequency: The effect called sympathetic vibration appears precognitively among humans when disharmonious ‘vibes’ fail to blend in. Even though ‘feeling a certain vibe’ is normal non-verbal behavior, specialists trained to detect potentially dangerous behavioral vibes have introduced ground-level precognitive interdiction to the public.

TSA deployed <span>Behavior Detection Officers</span> (BDO) in early 2007 to observe passengers for ‘involuntary physical and physiological’ signs of discomfort or fear of discovery. Words such as “profiling” and “stereotyping” are emphatically avoided. Exhibiting such behavior does not automatically indicate criminal intent, but can result in courteous interaction by a BDO to determine a risk potential. It is not the questions that a BDO asks, but the answers that a passenger provides that is significant. BDOs can detect deception and concealment in a passengers answers based on indicators that to not transgress Federal discrimination statues.12 The Screening of Passengers by Observation Technique (SPOT) uses non-intrusive behavior recognition and analysis to identify involuntary physical and physiological reactions exhibited when an individual does not want to be discovered. SPOT helps to isolate risk behavior from behavior due to irritation or inconvenience. (TSA 2008) “Behavior analysis assessments conducted by examining the display of clusters of specific behavior is probably the most accurate means of determining detection in an individual.” (Kozak 2008)

“Risk-pattern behavior” can be a frustrated reaction to inconvenient circumstances, however, BDOs have also prevented serious loss of life and property by intercepting wanted felons and interrupting terrorist plans. The unpredictable dynamic of BDOs becomes an obstacle that terrorists can neither manipulate nor defeat. (TSA 2008)

Since the inception of DHS, TSA daily reminds screening officers to trust their ‘hunches’ and ‘feelings,’ that have on many occasions discovered dangerous items without the routine assistance of detection equipment. (TSA 2008) The unpredictability of computer-guided procedures adds another dynamic that terrorists cannot manipulate. Even though the word “precognitive” does not appear anywhere within TSA, America’s skies are secured by a 50,000-member screening force that trusts their ‘hunches’ and ‘feelings’ as a routine procedure. Perhaps no agency more ostentatiously conducts precognitive interdiction than TSA, yet bona fide evidence to support that claim does not exist.13 A perfect synergy between personnel and machines blend precognition with highly sensitive instruments that can detect intuitive and non-intuitive dangers.

El Al airlines has a reputation for setting industry standards in aviation security and uses sophisticated interrogation methods that are legally too cumbersome for other airlines to copy.14 They have taken behavioral science to the next level with expanded intuitive detection techniques. Plainclothes security guards ask ‘time-consuming perfunctory questions’ to filter for evasive answers. With so many enemies chartered to destroy Israel, it is not surprising that El Al would exceed most aviation-security benchmarks by approaching precognitive interdiction with great earnestness. Within hours of 9/11, airlines from all over the world began calling the president of El Al, seeking advice on how to deal with airborne security threats. El Al is the only airline that places all of its cargo in decompression chambers before takeoff because at least 10 aircraft have been destroyed with barometric IEDs. (Israel Insider 2001)


Intuition is a holistic filtering of information acquired by the primordial senses, and is directly related to survival. There are numerous theories ranging from outright dismissal to angelic intervention. One theory believes that precognition exists alongside intuition and instinct. (e-zine Articles 2008) (Digital Media 2008) The ability to see beyond extraneous information goes ignored because the mind can believe whatever it wants to believe. The absence of facts, for instance, does not negate their existence. Traffic accidents exemplify missing facts – the fact that one driver did not see the other vehicle does not remove the other vehicle from existence, yet people plan their lives around missing facts and uncertainty every day. The one quality that all life shares in common is time where time is a fundamental dynamic of precognition – the future is unwritten and the past is irretrievable. One person’s future outlook has no more, or less validity than another person’s future outlook since neither outlook has occurred. This means that somewhere in the equation, faith in the unknown has to exist. Tomorrow has not happened, yet nobody debates the sunrise. If knowledge of the future can be intuitively learned, how can science prove that precognition exists if the necessary proof is yet to occur or a merely lucky guess?40

Convention uses words like faith since concise scientific terminology is still in development. That etymological ‘handicap’ could clarify why fear is a mind killer15 that instantly replaces precognitive unknowns with on-hand superstitions. The concept of faith has a tactical nemesis called disinformation: Is it true… or isn’t it? As intuitive information becomes less obscure, the intuitive mind can conceptualize future potentials, the act of which is precognitive. If the concept was reverse engineered – belief could impart reality. A Zen transliteration – as advantage improves, obstacles are reduced.37

If it can be proven that the Human mind is precognitive – what value is proof if nobody believes it? Belief is a choice. The fact that people argue is clear evidence that people do not agree, yet nobody is a villain in their own mind. Precognitive ability may be as normal as intuition, except that precognitive symbols are unrecognized and therefore dismissed. Those symbols, in the shape of events, may not be random at all. (Digital Media 2008) If ambient sensory information is everywhere, “How can human perception be calibrated to recognize it?” Rhetorically, should exosensory information be ignored because nobody knows how to access it? Experiments at the academic level have been conducted to answer that question:

Parapsychology students from Cornell University explored the process of anomalous cognition to prove that subliminal stimulus at the unconscious level is precognitive rather than psychokinetic. The experiment titled, ‘precognitive habituation’ was designed to observe psi with instrumentation that could be replicated by “skeptical” experimenters. The study hypothesized that repeated exposure to a stimulus can reach back in time to influence conscious arousal. (DBEM 2003) The more frequently subjects were exposed to a stimulus, the more they liked it. The idiomatic breakthrough with this experiment is the separation of precognition from psychokinesis; the latter being garden variety ESP. Terminology is important to such extent that it was not until science invented the word “psionics” that the subject was finally taken seriously.

‘We are what we are, because of what we’ve been’ – which suggests that, “The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.” (Blough 2008) In the Cornell experiment, rats exposed to musical selections by a classical composer demonstrated a marked preference for new selections by the same composer. When the experiment was conducted on chicken eggs, the hatched chicks preferred the frequencies that they had heard prenatally and followed the sound source whenever it was moved. This effect, called the ‘Moulton Effect’17 demonstrates that subliminal influence can consciously interrupt primal instinct. In an evolutionary context, the ability to anticipate danger is evidenced by our existence today. From a utopian perspective, “Wouldn’t it make sense that humans are precognitive, being descendents of God?” (DBEM 2003) The precognitive habitation (PH) experiment met scientific standards for providing evidence that precognition is a viable and integral human quality. The unconscious mind prefers familiarity whether consciously aware of it or not.


Precognition is an aspect of unconsciousness, not limited by space and time. It has access to sensory information in the form of dreams, flashes and feelings unrecognized by the conscious mind. The question is not, ‘do we possess precognition?’ but rather, ‘how do we develop precognitive ability that we already have?’ (Ultramind 2008) Research has shown that approximately 85% of precognitive experiences18 usually involve close intimate relationships, but can include strangers. (Digital Media 2008) There are moments when precognition may have altered the course of history. Sir Winston Churchill revealed in <span>My Darling Clementine</span>19 that he felt an inexplicable urgency to sit on the opposite side of the vehicle just prior to a road trip… he never sat on that side. During the trip, his vehicle ran over a bomb – Churchill believed that his ‘hunch’ saved his life that day and not luck. (Ultramind 2008) Luck is popularly interpreted as guessing, where a hunch suggests precognition. While some believe that promptings to deviate from routine has a divine origin, is precognition limited only to humans?

Cleve Backster connected plants to a polygraph instrument to measure their reactions when he sliced off leaves and branches and mutilated their severed parts in a different room. Through many different experiments, Backster concluded that the plants could feel what was happening to their severed parts over distance. (Smith 2005) Backster studied how geographically separated plants could perceive and react to adverse conditions experienced by other plants. He used the galvanic skin reaction sensor of the polygraph to measure electrical changes emitted by the plant.38 (Kozak 2008) Unlike plants, animals can exhibit signs of grief, loyalty and loss that is more familiar to humans. Because animals do not have a frontal lobe, they do not deviate from instinctual patterns that are easily predicted. It is the frontal lobe in humans that enables them to deviate from instinct. Such atypical deviations keep the psychiatric community in business. One especially curious behavioral anomaly should be described.

There is a notorious condition called ‘psi-misser’ more popularly known as a born loser. Business executives ask their resident psi-misser for advice, and then do the exact opposite with highly successful results. Psi-missers are not informed of their dubious acclaim to keep their error-in-judgment untarnished. Psi-missers’ might feel mocked or abused if the purpose of such consultations was exposed. (Ultramind 2008) An intuitive decision maker habitually relies upon precognitive information and typically has a dominant role in a given environment. An executive who can not accurately chart a company’s course will not be an executive for long. As with any special talent, it requires practice and repetition until reliance becomes automatic. Given that society does not dispute mundane generalizations about precognitive activity, it is appropriate to approach the less mundane and enter the scientific world. Some quantum physicists believe that a higher form of intelligence exists at the vacuum-level of matter. They even suggest that ‘our collective minds’ are co-located in the same space. Something so great, divested in something so small, must have a fantastic explanation. And it does…


The human brain processes four billion bits of information per second while awareness processes only 2,000 bits per second.20 That means that for each single synaptic spark of consciousness – there are 2,000,000 commensurate sparks in the unconscious background. ‘Realization occurs when we absorb something new.’ (What The Bleep 2006) Every moment the human brain filters specific sensory information and ignores the excess information out of ordinary habit. The brain registers most of what it absorbs even though it does not consciously attempt to recognize everything that it senses. The greatest challenge to scientific study has been the spontaneous and seemingly uncontrollable nature of precognition. Precognition and intuition are natural human abilities necessary for survival. The most compelling evidence that humans developed the ability to anticipate change is their existence today. (Digital Media 2008) Because precognition does overlap interrelated sciences, quantum mechanics has been able to connect precognitive potential to the vacuum level of matter with amazing results: Quantum theory states that waves of possibilities exist everywhere that the observer is not looking, and that the ‘act of observation’ collapses the wave function.21 Physicists have staged the wave-collapse experiment repeatedly with the same result. At the vacuum level of matter, the world is an organism that extends through space and time. The wave collapse demonstration exceeds ordinary scientific perception by applying abstract potentials from Einstein’s unified theory. (What The Bleep 2006) Einstein’s unified theory inherently supports precognition, and theorizes that human spirituality is derived from a sense of unity – epistemic access to the future is not a mere possibility, but a quantum reality. The abridgement between neurological science and basic theological tenets has inspired theories that precognitive interdiction could become as tangible as thought-guided flight control systems.

In quantum mechanics, one particle can exist in 3,000 places and conversely, two places in space can be the same.22 In quantum terms, those 3,000 places are also called potentials. At the deepest sub-nuclear level and fundamentally – ‘our minds are co-located.’ This theory is derived by observing that an atom’s nucleus and electrons pop in and out of existence, which causes physicists to wonder where the matter goes when it is not here. (What The Bleep 2006) An aspect of Einstein’s unified theory, ‘entanglement’ states that two identical objects will instantly react the same, no matter where in the universe they are. (What The Bleep 2006) Until vacuum-level terminology is standardized, it can be said that reality is in the Mind of God, and each individual is a spark. In quantum mechanics, humanity is part of a larger organism, where in conventional science, human beings are machines.23 (What The Bleep 2006) Compared to conventional science, quantum mechanics has some unpremeditated and uncanny parallels to theology, which baffles theologians more than quantum physicists.

Extensive studies have been conducted on how human thoughts can affect the bonding of water molecules. The results are compelling. Water is the most vitally significant component of life, yet thoughts can imbue a positive or negative quality within the structure of water.24 When Buddhist Monks were asked to pray over a pool of water, monitoring scientists recorded an incontrovertible restructuring of the water molecules. The molecules became less chaotic and assumed a symmetrically pleasing pattern. When specific words were written on a bottle, the water molecules restructured into a pattern that most nearly represented the word. Considering that humans are mostly composed of water – harmful and helpful ‘thoughts’ in this context, can directly affect human physiology. (What The Bleep 2006) If focused thoughts could disrupt the physiology of an enemy, would not both sides deploy psionics as a weapon? Examples of strategically contaminated water supplies have brought military campaigns to a victorious early close. Imagine a future war where combatants do not need to physically interact with an enemy’s water supply in order to contaminate it. The power to heal can also kill.

Precognition conceptualizes what has not yet occurred based on Einstein’s theory that time is not absolute. Time is a decelerated wave that enables sensory absorption and learning. If the brain projects information backwards in time and precognitive interdiction can become a learnable crime-fighting science, what are the ramifications? Given the innumerable protections afforded criminals, and the countless avenues for legal sand bagging, precognitive interdiction could become another pedantic casualty before reaching fruition. Lobbies paid to assassinate precognitive research could arise to hide the illicit activities of their sponsors. Damaging secrets could be precognitively obtained to settle scores between rivals. Currently, almost every researchable “I told you so” example has been whimsically dismissed as a lucky guess. A single exception is that some police departments have called upon highly respected psychics to locate forensic evidence and find missing crime victims.41 There are alternate realities to also consider.


In <span>Keenen’s Theory of Genome Management</span>, chromosomes and genes in DNA can reveal an individual’s propensity for disease, sexual orientation and criminality; enabling interdiction before a condition arises. In a law enforcement application, crime-inducing conditions such as alcoholism and drug addiction have DNA indicators that can guide therapists to counsel the genetically afflicted before the first substance abuse or crime occurs. (Keenen 2008) Genetic management will make it possible to manage an individual’s life choices before the effects of wrong choices can occur. Counseling and training guidelines can be created at child birth. There are Orwellian26 connotations: Once unwanted codes can be removed from a DNA helix so that every child is intelligent and physically faultless, occupational predestination could result and genetic transcripts could be required on resumes to segregate purebreds from mutts. It is neurological and genetic science that ultimately engineers a thought police to manage this alternate reality where precognitive interdiction would not only be normal, but a social imperative.


The Stanford Research Institute (SRI) contracted Puthoff and Targ to conduct 154 experiments comprised of 26,000 individual trials on 227 subjects from 1973 to 1988. In the 1970s, Mumford, Rose and Goslin set out to determine if remote viewing could be applied for national intelligence purposes. (FAS 1995) The CIA was unimpressed with Puthoff and Targ and discontinued funding. The subsequent venture into precognitive study was facilitated by Major Paul H. Smith, who has written authoritively on psychoenergetic perception more popularly known as <span>remote viewing</span> (RV). In 1986, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) funded Smith to write a ‘remote viewing’ manual based on the research of Mr. Ingo Swann. In theory, a remote viewer detects a signal line at the unconscious alpha level that sends an analytic overlay to the autonomic nervous system. The reception process is the neural equivalent to a radio carrier wave and consists of tangible and intangible information about a target object. (Remote Viewing 1986) Micro behaviors have crucial significance in the RV detection process where the sensorium27 in the brain translates optical and imagined bioelectric information into synaptic memory where an image can be decoded by the mind. (Remote Viewing 1986) Early RV experiments were not intended to see into the past or the future – the objective was to view objects at a remote location for intelligence gathering purposes. Because the sponsoring agency required 100% accuracy each time, remote viewing was deemed unsatisfactory and the project was shut down. (Smith 2005) Recently, it was discovered by accident, that earlier RV experiments believed to have failed, had accurately described objects that existed in previous periods of time. That discovery significantly adjusted the success rate of previous tests and proved that psychoenergetic perception works when time is factored in.28 Quantum physics already postulates that energy signatures within time-space are viewable, and that the unconscious mind can view those objects regardless of where they are in the past, present or future.29 Researchers have also theorized that a psychic sense can detect changes in the future, just like the other five senses detect changes in the environment. (FAS 1995) Because of its recent discovery, attentuating the psychic (sixth) sense is not an exact science. Neurologists claim that approximately 90% of the brain is unused – perhaps the continued study of psionics holds the key that will eventually unlock the unknown 90%. All science has a beginning…and an end.


Human endeavor is marred by failure and glorified when man succeeds. All experimental concepts fail in the early exploratory stages. Precognitive manipulation does not succeed 100% of the time. Law enforcement does not work 100% of the time. The US government did explore precognitive potential without fully understanding the quantum dynamics of time or dynamics yet to be identified. The sponsoring federal agency wanted precognitive potential to turn on like a light switch and obtain 100% faultless results. The top priority during the cold war was to locate and identify Soviet laboratories and experimental weapons technology so that the US could counter any developing threat. Many RV experiments reviewed after the cold war were confirmed accurate by the Russian technicians themselves. (Smith 2005) It was forced-intelligence directives, incompatible with the fledgling science that shut down the project, not the research. Non-government entities and corporations keep their precognitive research a secret to avoid legal entanglements. If such research was publicly available – it wouldn’t be a secret. By maintaining the status quo that precognition doesn’t exist, there is no pressing need to deny anything. Whoever develops precognition first will have the same tactical advantage as a modern machine gun against a tribe of Neanderthals. The forensic community, if no other, could benefit from continued precognitive research.

The traditional rite-of-passage for scientific knowledge is that methods used in one laboratory, can be replicated at any other laboratory. Curiously, precognitive research was denied that standard and abruptly halted. Prima facie evidence generally justifies funding for lesser pursuits, but precognitive research was stopped at a time when the results were favorable. Because perfection could not be attained, the critics called it a failure. (FAS 1995) It is possible that the research was publicly halted as a form of disinformation to avert foreign curiosity. DARPA30 has resumed some type of precognitive research suggested in their on-line recruitment page, but the details are appropriately withheld in the interests of national security.

As the world grows increasingly complex, a deeper understanding of precognitive potential could accelerate solutions and reduce reasons for conflict at multiple levels. It is the criminal interdiction level that would become the chief benefactor of continued study. History is full of heroes who leap empty handed into the dark to overcome daunting odds. It may be a precognitive sense of future potentials that opens the door to every adventure, only the traditional word used to describe it, is “hope.”


The frontal lobe in the human brain allows individuals to change their minds. Where animals operate on instinct, humans can choose not to survive. Science has proven that directed consciousness can affect the vacuum-level of physics and that the mind transmits information backwards in time. The question is not whether precognitive interdiction is possible, but whether “the answers can overcome our social limitations.” (What The Bleep 2006) Carl Sagan theorized that all civilizations in the universe eventually reach a fusion threshold and either survive their rite-of-passage or annihilate themselves.31 The only weapon needed to inhibit precognitive ability is disbelief, yet disbelief does not disprove anything. Whether precognitive interdiction facilitates world peace or evolves into a thought police depends upon society’s goals: “We are so hypnotized by society that our desires may never rise to the surface.” (What The Bleep 2006) Many benevolent ideas have been blocked by a lethargic status quo mentality or because of an economic threat to a privileged few.

Each new paradigm appears flawless to its designers, who forget that every paradigm in history has been replaced. New data forces change. Future precognitive research will undoubtedly include the dynamic of time to obtain less ambiguous results. (FAS 1995) In quantum mechanics, epistemic access to the future is provable.

The question that remains is, “Does knowledge of the future defeat the purpose of time?” The answer is refractive. Knowledge of the future would transcend the boundaries of time, just like knowledge of a 4th dimension would inevitably alter the current paradigm. Epistemic access to the future means exactly what the words imply. Society is creating that future right here and right now. The real irony is that it takes magic to believe it.


1 <span>Space-time</span> is a four-dimensional model representing three known dimensions plus time as a fourth dimension a.k.a. ‘the space-time continuum.’ Also see endnote 28.

2 The 16th century <span>Reformation period</span> laid the groundwork for social revolutions and struggles for independence throughout Europe. The 14th century Renaissance marks a sudden explosion in distinctive arts, intellectual achievements and scientific advances that reformed government, rights, religion and wealth. (Wise Geek 2003)

3 <span>Psionics</span> – is the scientific definition of “attentuated exosynapse;” where an electrically-driven brain can induce ESP, telepathy, kinesis, kinetics and FX formerly tagged as parasciences.

4 The <span>Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency </span>(DARPA) develops experimental platforms for new technology which could include precognitive exploration. Some believe that the early detection of terrorists will be possible based on DARPA technology.

5 Organizations to eliminate terrorist fundraising have been ineffective against better-financed lobbies like <span>the ACLU that fights to protect terrorist fundraisers’ rights</span>. The ACLU hosts an annual Lobby Day with Capitol guides ‘on the Hill’ to assist participants, and anecdotally defended the American Nazi Party’s right to burn down the ACLU headquarters in New York. http://www.theonion.com/content/node/39182

6 The <span>Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act</span> (FISA) – was created to help the intelligence community to penetrate terrorists’ communications. The ACLU, lobbied Congress to suspend FISA on grounds that FISA violated the 1st, 4th and 14th Amendments; encouraged domestic spying and indemnified telecommunications companies that participated. Bill S-2248 dissolved FISA on February 12, 2008.

FISA is preceded by the <span>Church Committee</span> that published 14 reports on the formation of US intelligence in 1975-76 alleging abuses of power. This was a tumultuous time in American history: Watergate, Vietnam and allegations that the CIA was covertly assassinating foreign leaders and collecting information on US citizens. 50,000 pages were declassified under the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992.

7 Excluding the Tower of Babel, the <span>Nativist</span><span> theory</span> suggests that children are genetically predisposed to language while the <span>Sociocultural</span><span> theory</span> suggests that language is developed within a child’s zone of proximal development.

8 <span>Neo-Latin dialects are no longer spoken</span> and some suggest that Gaelic is dying also.

9 It was revealed after the cold war ended, that secret Soviet underground facilities believed to be advanced-weapons research facilities were actually <span>psychoenergetic perception laboratories</span> designed to subvert American experiments with remote viewing. Paul H. Smith describes the entire saga in <span>Reading the Enemy’s Mind, Inside Star Gate</span>. (Smith 2005).

10 <span>Thought-controlled avionics systems</span> are in development at the Air Force Research Laboratory’s human effectiveness systems interface division at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Leaks of this project may have inspired the 1982 Warner Brothers film <span>Firefox</span> in which Clint Eastwood steals a Soviet-built supersonic fighter aircraft equipped with thought-guided weapons systems and delivers it to the US.

11 In physics and chemistry, particle duality is the concept that all matter exhibits both wave-like and particle-like properties known as <span>wave theory</span>.

12 <span>The United States Code contains 26 sections on civil rights</span>, equal rights and discrimination. State statues also bar discrimination on all conceivable criterion.

13 Even though TSA memos are not always marked ‘Security-Sensitive Information,’ TSA screening officers are expected to uphold <span>confidentiality and common sense ethics</span>.

14 <span>Israel</span><span>’s heightened security</span> awareness forces El Al to de-prioritize ‘affirmative action,’ civil rights and cultural considerations that American carriers must legally oblige.

15 “<span>Fear is the mind killer</span>,” from Frank Herbert’s <span>Dune</span>. FDR is credited for saying, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” in his 1944 inaugural speech.

16 In quantum theory, <span>future potentials</span> (with the ‘s’) is a quantitative expression indenting exponential possibilities; without the ‘s,’ the expression is meant rhetorically.

17 Dr. <span>William Moulton</span> Marston whose model of Human behavior integrated with technology influenced the Cornell PH experiment. Moulton created the comic strip character of Wonder Woman and is noted for his emphasis on feminine issues.

18 Understanding an individual’s <span>eccentric behavior</span> may explain why precognition appears stronger in intimate relationships. Behavioral patterns are analytical and not precognitive.

19 <span>My Darling Clementine</span> by Jack Fishman is the story of Lady Churchill with an introduction by Eleanor Roosevelt, published in 1963.

20 <span>Cognitive operations</span> have different clock speeds depending upon the neural resources and senses used: An adult brain contains approximately 100 Billion brain cells; a single neuron fires once every 5 milliseconds or about 200 times a second. Each neuron is connected to 1,000 others. 100 Billion neurons x 200 firings per second x 1,000 connections = 20 million Billion calculations per second.

21 A fascinating example of ‘collapsing the wave function’ is featured in <span>What the Bleep do We Know?</span> Down the Rabbit Hole, Quantum Edition – see bibliography.

22 <span>Quantum superposition contains all possibilities</span>; which waves manifest depend upon the observer. Objects are co-located when multiple observers observe the same object, thus, the observer’s point of view.

23 Biological functions are sometimes explained in mechanical terms for clarity.

24 Dr. <span>Masaru Emoto</span>’s study of water proves that thoughts and feelings connect the mind to matter; compellingly presented in <span>What the Bleep do We Know?</span> and researchable in Emoto’s on-line archives.

25 The 1st Amendment guards the freedom of information, expression and the right to petition while <span>The 4th Amendment</span> guards against unreasonable searches and seizures. The 14th Amendment guarantees Due Process and Equal Protections to all citizens, ratified 9 JUL 1868 during the reconstruction era.

26 The word, “<span>Orwellian</span>” is derived from George Orwell’s <span>1984</span> and Aldous Huxley’s <span>Brave New World</span>. Both are dystopian representations of a State-controlled existence popularized by media sensationalism.

27 The sensorium is where physical sensation registers in the gray matter of the brain and sometimes refers to the entire sensory apparatus of the body.

28 Itzhak Bars of UCLA theorizes that two dimensions of time exist in four physical dimensions for a total of six dimensions. He calls this “<span>two-time physics</span>.” The Discovery Chanel aired a segment on remote viewing based on McMoneagle’s involvement in project StarGate where experiments believed to have failed had, in fact, viewed objects that existed in a previous time.

29 Dr. Simeon Hein said that the unconscious mind can tap into a matrix where the past, present and future exist; he is noted for his studies on resonance and the paranormal.

30 <span>DARPA</span> is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency – their products are not publically available.

31 Dr. Carl Sagan made science popular in his 13-part miniseries, <span>Cosmos</span>. It was his idea to attach a message to extraterrestrials on the Pioneer 10 and Voyager space probes.

32 Lerner discusses the judicial skepticism of police hunches in his paper <span>Reasonable Suspicion and Mere Hunches</span> in which he definitively validates the routine use of hunches by police officers and the counter productive legal response. Although the word “precognitive” is never used, Lerner’s work clearly demands answers that precognitive research can help validate. (Lerner 2008)

33 “We are the culmination of our sensory perception to date.” Ty Narada said to Dr. Mac Groves during a discussion on Stanislavski’s method acting. “The true art of acting is being able to change states-of-mind at will.” Narada replaced one word from the original source, “The true art of magic is being able to change states-of-mind at will,” from <span>The 21 Lessons of Merlyn</span> by Douglas Monroe.

34 <span>Data Smog</span> by David Shenk describes the effect that TechnoStress and ‘information glut’ has on society. Shenk contrasts typical social regimentation with data-saturated free radical environments.

35 Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) based his heliocentric theory that the world revolved around the sun on Nicholas Copernicus’ book <span>The Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres</span> published in 1543 in which Copernicus theorizes on planetary motion.

36 “Generally, the army prefers the high ground and dislikes the low ground,…” written as a philosophical verse in <span>Sun Tzu Art of War</span>. Niccolò Machiavelli also wrote <span>Art of War</span> that inspired future military theorists. Both works are considered epistemologically relevant to modern tactical field manuals.

37 Zen is a Japanese word derived from Buddhist theology and attributed to Hui-neng who died in 713 A.D. China. Zen proffers enigmatic, existential abstract expressions i.e., “For the real to come, the false must leave,” and is associated with the Yin-Yang symbol. It is the mechanical construct that was transliterated.

38 Interestingly, Michel Kozak personally knows Cleve Backster and offered to arrange a phone interview for Ty Narada. Cleve Backster is a personal friend of author Paul H. Smith who is one of Narada’s friends. Smith was directly involved in America’s psychic espionage program and has direct contact with many prominent researchers in interrelated psychic fields. Kozak and Narada are Tiffin University alumni.

39 The Salem Witch Trials were a series of hearings before local magistrates followed by county court trials to prosecute people accused of witchcraft in Essex, Suffolk and Middlesex Counties of colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. Over 150 people were arrested and imprisoned with even more accused who were not formally pursued by the authorities. http://www.salemwitchtrials.com/

40 Faced with documentary evidence that the Australian Ambassador to the UN, John Dauth, told AWB chairman Trevor Flugge of the Iraq invasion a year in advance, correctly observing that even if weapons inspectors were readmitted this would only produce a brief delay, DFAT’s response is to say that it was just a lucky guess. http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/20 ... 795577.htm

41 Psychic Etta Smith was so precisely accurate in finding the body of a missing nurse that the Los Angeles Police Department charged her with murder, later dismissed after the autopsy. See similar cases at: http://www.victorzammit.com/articles/ps ... tives.html


Bem, Daryl J. Professor of Psychology, Cornel University.

46th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association. Precognitive Habitation: Replicable Evidence for a Process of Anomalous Cognition

2 August 2003 http://dbem.ws/Related_Websites.html (accessed 5 June 2008)

Blough, Scott, Prof. School of Criminal Justice, Tiffin University

In an e-mail written to Ty E. Narada<span>.</span> 25 April 2008

Tiffin University, 155 Miami Street, Tiffin, Ohio 44883

Houlehan, G.K. Insp., CCPD ret. USA CW3. Cultural Awareness

The NCTOA News Archives http://www.nctoa.org/ (accessed 12 May 2008)

Keenen, William, DHS / TSA – LTSO Page, AZ 86040

Keenen’s Theory of Genome Management; Intervention and Treatment

http://www.cyonic-nemeton.com/genetics.html (accessed 12 June 2008)

Kozak, Michel, Los Angeles Police Department Detective Supervisor and class mate

In Kozak’s review of the rough draft of this paper on file

Lerner, Craig, George Mason School of Law Reasonable Suspicion and Mere Hunches

http://www.law.gmu.edu/assets/files/pub ... /05-20.pdf

(accessed 4 August 2008)

Mihalasky, John. Ultramind: A New Way of Thinking<span>.</span> 30 February 2008

http://www.ultramind.ws/develop___utili ... lities.htm

(accessed 7 June 2008)

Mumford, M. The American Institutes for Research

An Evaluation of Remote Viewing: Research and Applications 29 September 1995 http://www.fas.org/irp/program/collect/air1995.pdf

(accessed 21 June 2008)

Palmer, Jeffry R. Ph.D. The 7 Day Psychic Development Course 2008

http://ezinearticles.com/?Precognition&id=110079 (accessed 3 June 2008)

Palmer 2, Jeffry R. Ph.D. Precognition 2008

http://www.digitalmediaminute.com/zine/article/95838/ (accessed 3 June 2008)

Security, Government Government Security 2008 http://govtsecurity.com/news/TSAsSPOTunit/ (accessed 14 June 2008)

Shuman, E., El Al Airlines Security Procedures,

El Al’s Legendary Security Measures Set Industry Standards<span> </span> 3 October 2001

http://www.israelinsider.com/channels/s ... c_0108.htm

(accessed 19 June 2008)

Smith, Paul H. Reading The Enemy’s Mind

Inside Star Gate: America’s Psychic Espionage Program © 2005

Smith, S., What Was the Renaissance 2003


(accessed 4 August 2008)

Swann, Ingo. Remote Viewing Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual 1986

http://www.cyonic-nemeton.com/RV-contents.html (accessed 2 June 2008)

TSA website. What We Do 2008

http://www.tsa.gov/what_we_do/layers/spot/index.shtm (accessed 2 July 2008)

What The Bleep Do We Know. Down the Rabbit Hole Quantum Edition

© 2006 20th Century Fox POB 900 Beverly Hills CA 90212-0900

© 2004 Captured Light and Lord of the Wind Films, LLC.

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06 Mar 2011, 5:55 pm

Not with TV, but I have predicted other things.

I predicted that my favourite teacher was going on leave of absence, and he did.


Canadian, young adult, student demisexual-heteroromantic, cisgender female, autistic


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06 Mar 2011, 6:01 pm

It's annoying because i want to try to control my power of TV prediction and turn it into somthing more powerful maybe i could eventually control all the TV networks alltogether!! !! :lol:

Youtube killed the video star!

My favorite letter is the squiggly! ~ :D


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06 Mar 2011, 6:32 pm

Just predict the lottery numbers ;)

Has anything along those lines ever popped into your head?

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