alexi wrote:
Something that my therapist said to me the other day is still bothering me. She asked if I have any friends. I said "no" and that I have always found it very hard to make friends and even harder to find the energy to spend time being social.
She asked if that makes me sad and I said "no". But the way that she said it was as though I am missing out on something very important. Even that I must surely believe that I don't want friends to make myself feel better about not being able to make any.
I'm definitely the type of aspie that prefers (and needs) to spend A LOT of time alone. But she has made me feel like I did as a teenager and in my very early twenties when I felt like I was "missing out" because I couldn't connect and be social like everyone I saw around me and on TV. As I got older I cared less and less. I know what I want, don't I?
Therapists will do that. The entire Psychology/Psychiatry movement is based on having lots of social interaction and connections with others. "Networking" and the like. It's true, some people really need this to be happy and their need should be respected.
not everyone has this strong urge and need and we are just as worthy of having our need for limited social interaction respected, our comfort zone respected, not manipulated and altered to conform to society's standards because there is something about us that isn't perceived to be quite right.
Instead, we are made to feel like our lives must be hopelessly sad or damaged and we are really missing out. We need to be drugged into sociability.
Everyone needs to be social to some extent just to survive, but not everyone has the same social needs. This should be supported by people in the Psychiatric/Psychological community. Far too often. loners are manipulated into thinking there is something wrong with them or they should be frustrated and angry because everyone has friends but them. I want to say to all of them, you are fine the way you are. Just keep doing what you do and don't let anyone convince you you are "sad" for being alone
The media is worst of all, trying to make the world believe all loners are sociopaths when there are far more social people committing heinous crimes than loners. Loners do not get together and go to war with other groups, either. So, how is it they are such a threat? Sure, a few of them might be, and have been, serial killers, but they are a tiny minority within the loner community.
The group pouncing on the lone prey reminds me of the instinct that lionesses possess. They see a lone creature as an easy target and go after them, full force. Not because the prey poses a danger to the pride of lionesses. Rather, because, the prey is easy to go after because it isn't in a group. The lionesses instinctively see this as an advantage and act on the opportunity.
This is the fate of loners in the Psychiatric/Psychological community and the media.