I know this thread is 2 years old but I haven't discussed about dogs on WP before and I can relate. Give others a chance, anyway.
I used to be afraid of dogs when I was little, but since I was about 13 or 14, I learnt not to show my fear, and then the dogs didn't want to jump up or anything, then after that I just grew out of the fear altogether. I still get a bit afraid of them barking because of my sensory issues, but the sensory issues is the only reason. I don't like those little white dogs what have that high-pitched yap, which they do at everyone they pass in the street.
But I've had some bad experiences with dogs in my childhood what I feel so embarrassed about. Here goes:-
When I was about 8 or 9, I was playing with my cousin and her friend. A woman walked past with a dog on a lead, and the dog only sniffed my legs (I was wearing shorts), and I screamed so loudly, that it frightened the woman, and my cousin (who was just 6) had to tell her that I was afraid of dogs. Luckily the woman understood and walked on. Now looking back to that, I feel really embarrassed.
When I was 11, I was walking home from the big school on my own for the first time, and a woman with 2 black Labradors came near. The dogs were harmless, but came charging up to me, and kept on leaping up at me, and harmlessly ''attacking'' me. Instead of just stroking them and walking on, I stood there stiffly, with both my arms on my chest, as though I was protecting myself. The owner was calling them, but they weren't listening. But that wasn't all. All the kids what were walking by were just laughing at me. Then 2 of my brother's friends came up to me and shooed the dogs away. They finally ran back to their owner, and my brother's friends took me home. I was all right - I had grown out of screaming in public by then. But it was still embarrassing because of the kids laughing at me. At least my brother's friends were nice.