Jesus was always soft spoken, rearly spoke unless it was something profound. Never looked for trouble yet was an outcast. Never harsh words or hurtful. Suffered humility not fighting back. I'm not saying my son is divine yet I see so many of the same qualities in him, always have. Always in deep thought. Rearly speaks unless he really has something to say. He is 25 and has never done anything wrong or illegal. I see him suffer in his thoughts but doesn't let anyone know of his suffering. When he was younger, about 16 or 17 I began taking him to therapist, not really knowing why! He had never done anything wrong! I couldn't put my finger on it. I almost felt guilty. He was hard to explain. I knew that something was not quite "normal" about him and wanting any help I could find. Of course they never said anything or diagnosed him with anything. We stopped going. It is kinda sad that "normal" seems to be a person has to be some kinda of trouble or problem at some time in thier life. All I can say is I have always admired his strong tolerence and ability to stay in control with anything he is faced with. Still his loneliness breaks my heart. Sadly while I continue to pray he continues to suffer.