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12 Jul 2006, 4:27 pm

Dunno about you lot, but I hate going to get my hair cut, the hair stylist always tries to talk to me but looks like they get offended if I don't talk much.

Plus i hate sitting there while other people waiting are watching.

Anyway, my mum used to cut my hair when I was kid. I asked her to do it recently, while it aint bad, it still with the old skool train of thought - like i have a bowl on my head.

Anyway, she seems to be up for picking up a few skills if i tell her exactly what I want, just need some tips from people who know how to cut hair properly.

The problem with my hair is that when I have it layerd, you can really see the layers and its too obvious. Im not sure whether this is related to the texture of my hair and I gotta live with it or its the way its being cut.

I also like to have very thin head of hair, so that it follows the shape of my head after a bit of wind rather than looking like a bouffon. I dont like to have short hair - i will never ever have short hair, i just feel too exposed.

Any tips?