simon_says wrote:
I have a very tight filter on my history. I always have. But if I trust someone, I can babble a bit.
I do too. I try to be extremely private. I think I've revealed more of my actual real life on this forum than I have in like the entire past 20 years on the internet. And I still hold back a ton of stuff.
Cicely wrote:
That's a pretty normal AS trait. I have too much of filter - I overthink, second-guess, and censor even the littlest comments in case they might be offensive. This is something I'm working on. When I'm comfortable with someone I can talk on and on about random things. Sometimes I can be too honest or talk about the wrong topics without even realizing it.
I do this too, to an extent. I've focused a lot on being nice/kind after I had a string of saying really mean things that did not win me any friends and cost me some friendly acquaintances. I tended to tease people and push it too far (mimicking their teasing to fit in, but not knowing where the boundaries were is what I think happened). I actually have done this again fairly recently (as within the past two years), so it's not like my filter's perfect.
I also have a tendency to impulsively say fairly blunt and sarcastic things without really thinking them through. It's good to be around people who trust me when I do this because otherwise, drama.