Mamaholly wrote:
"four years ago I had anager ishu and I thowe stuff hert pepol and get in trudl and I was mesbol [miserable] but I now I can control it a litle better and be nice and be hapy mor. ps. nobudy then anderstand I had assbergerbs but now thay nowe and I can comemownakate [communicate] with them better now."
This is so sweet and awesome.
I'm glad to know that I have autism.
Likely, I will continue to feel strange and uneasy about being able to communicate as much as I can do now and all the new things that I only get to know because of improved communication. But then, there are so many interesting and enjoyable things now that I'm only part of because I can better communicate with people/people communicate with me that overall, I'm relieved to have received the diagnosis and with it the chance to improve.
Autism + ADHD
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett