The tiny, insignificant things set me off into an unsubstantiated rage, and subsequent morose attitude. If I am faced with unmitigated tribulations in life, I remain rather stoic; borderline nihilistic at times. A hypothetical example:
I will be working on something, and continuously drop related object on the ground. After dropping aforementioned object approximately five times, I will attempt to pick it up again, angrily, only to have it slip out of my fingers, without completely leaving the ground, another five times. The result =
, and a plethora of things (including expletives)flying through the air, and finally me walking away for a while mumbling to myself.
I could get fired from a job, get a flat tire on the way home during rush hour, get hit by a car changing said flat tire, get a $5000 life flight ride to the trauma center, be informed I was paralyzed from the waist down, and have to sell my house to pay for the extravagant medical bill. My reaction?
"I can't believe what has happened. I'm sure I will learn something from this!"
It's irrational and illogical, but it is true.