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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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22 Feb 2011, 4:41 pm

I put my hands over my ears when there is something I don't want to see.
I cover my eyes when there is something I don't want to hear.
I hit myself when there is something I don't want to see.

When someone switches the light off, I put my hands over my ears.
Sometimes when I try to talk, instead I put my hands over my ears.
And even when I try to listen to something, I put my hands over my ears.
I've got thousands of examples ...

What is wrong with me? 8O


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22 Feb 2011, 4:59 pm

It seems you have a problem in knowing which sense is the 'active' one, or somehow there's a disconnection between knowing and the body making the correct actions.

This meditation may or may not help. ... meditation

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22 Feb 2011, 5:42 pm

Do you get mixed sensory signals? As an example when you hear a loud noise does it affect both your ears and eyes by causing a similar sensation in both areas?

Balance is needed within the universe, can be demonstrated in most/all concepts/things. Black/White, Good/Evil, etc.
All dependent upon your own perspective in your own form of existence, so trust your own gut and live the way YOU want/need to.


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22 Feb 2011, 8:06 pm

Peko wrote:
Do you get mixed sensory signals? As an example when you hear a loud noise does it affect both your ears and eyes by causing a similar sensation in both areas?

I was thinking this, because that happens to me.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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22 Feb 2011, 8:12 pm

IceKitten wrote:

What is wrong with me? 8O

You are screwed up, but so is everybody else. Welcome to the rabbit hole.