Sometimes I really hate the fact that I've got AS, but although there are countless negatives with aspergers (for example, when it comes to sociallizing, we're in the dark...) but there are also loads of possitives. Albert Einstien and Bill Gates had AS! That just shows that anything's possible, no matter what you've got!
AS peoples concentration is meant to be very good, along with our memories too. Also, a lot of AS people are very intelegent aswell (I've been told countless times that I know to much "useless information"). Loads of AS people are into things like computers, trains, cars, etc. and I usually get picked on and called a geek or a nerd. Once when I was in school, a teacher came into the class and told us about all the different dificulties that people might have, like AS or autism, when she started explaining what AS was, I could see people glancing at me, and then in the next lesson two boys called my name, I looked round and one of them shouted at me "Hey Calum, have you got aspergers?" and started sniggering. I was really upset by this and I am really annoyed that people see us as freaks
Like I said though, there are still loads of possitives, and I think that we should all be proud of who we are, not matter what we've got