What's your most common Stim?
~What's your most common Stim[s]?~
In Private:
Mine would have to be:
Rocking (when Nervous)*
Moving fingers in front of eyes (when Bored)
Hand/arm flapping (when Excited).
*- while rocking I will sometimes, I will place my hand over my ears and close my eyes (When I'm over stimulated) or eyes (When I'm under stimulated), or I'll hug my chest and close my eyes (When I'm having an EXTREME anxiety attack I put a pillow under my shirt and bra to add pressure to my chest while rocking, The pressure thing is so I can try and lower my heart rate down to a normal beating pace because when I have my Anxiety Attacks my heart rate like doubles and maybe some times triple.). I only rock while I'm sitting down.
In Public:
Snapping my fingers, winking, crossing my fingers tightly and loosening them, leg bouncing, finger drumming, foot bouncing (when listening to music), Air Drumming (when listening to [up tempo] music).
~Do we share any stims? If we do tell me!! I would love to hear!! and all you can tell me about other stims you get.