ruckus wrote:
My thinking is extremely visual. I have a sort of photographic memory. I can pan back though events in my mind, and if I need to remember something I just write it down, no need to bring it with me, and afterwards it's easy to 'flick back' and visualise the page I wrote it on, where I can 'read' the words. I remember the layouts of places very easily, so I never get lost!
As for learning, I know I'm not really paying attention to a book if it's not playing back in full cinematic glory in my mind.
I can do this. Loved this in school, never really had to study for tests.
I can also picture signs sometimes, and maybe remember phone numbers or other info on them.
I can also learn computer code quickly, because I can kind of *see* it in my my mind, BUT, that's where it ends.
I'm not visual otherwise. VERY auditory. I can't picture pieces of puzzles at all and don't really understand how things fit together. My spatial skills are mostly non-existent.
I will *never* forget something that I hear, and my mind is always filled with dialogue from TV and commercials.
This is kind of neat I guess, but not useful. I'm still trying to decide what I want to go back to school for. I'm good with computers, I can learn math fairly easily, and I feel like I could make a good computer programmer, but I worry about the spatial reasoning.
Aren't most programmers excellent visual thinkers, like engineers? ALSO confused, because I know that MANY people on the spectrum are in programming, but that people with autism are known to have good visual thinking skills but poor spatial awareness at the same
ASD or not, this is probably me, but I don't really get it. I think fit the NVLD profile almost perfectly, but wonder how much that limits my options. I seem to have an easier time learning some things as an adult than I did in school, though.
Just want to be realistic :/