I don't get along with this girl, so it would surprise me that she would feel any concern for me. As for the "outgoing" aspect, my friends say she thinks she has friends but doesn't. I'm not sure how to interpret this.
Only two of my friends know I have HFA. They said they never suspected it but I cannot tell whether it was the truth or not. I don't want to be one of those people that use their disorder as an excuse for everything. My friend/former friend is incredibly hyper, childish and has ADHD. I'm not trying to generate a stereotype about those with the same disorder, but I find she makes ADHD an excuse for everything. "(Given name) can you shut up?" "Nope, I have ADHD." "Can you calm down?" Previous excuse used. She takes a pill. Anyway, this is beside the point. I don't want people to judge me because of my HFA. I imagine them thinking that I can't at least TRY to be social. I think that if they knew, they would come up with preconceived notions about me or say "But you don't/ aren't (place stereotype about Autism/Asperger's here), you CAN'T be autistic." Either that or they would say "You don't HAVE to act so weird". You get what I'm saying?
"Secrets hidden in slivers between bricks." "I wasn't 'they' anymore."
Agree: 4,6,13,16,18,19,20,22,39,41,45: 1 point
Disagree: 1,3,10,11,14,17,27,30,32,36,38,44,47,48,49: 1 point
Score: 26