i can not tolerate whistling. it grates on my nerves and i start to become annoyed and i think "what gives you the right to trespass on my ears with your impromptu warbling".
i am not asked if i like the song that is being whistled, and i consider it an affront that the person wishes to impose upon me their gratuitous rendition of what they consider to be musical entertainment, and moreover, recite it in a completely unprofessional way with such an inferior instrument as merely their quivering lips.
i have heard professional whistlers chirping away, and i must say that a persons lips do not produce a timbre that is as colorful as any actual musical instrument. mouth organs and bagpipes are almost as bad, but just plain whistling is tedium plus.
however, considering i have ODD, there are occasions that i wish to irritate people with my whistling. i know how it feels to be driven beserk by a persons inane whistling, so i have on occasions reproduced that feeling in others to see what it looks like from the outside.
i find amusement in the expressions on peoples faces who become short tempered at my extemporaneous tunes that i whistle when i am engaged in a boring task.
one example is when i was sixteen, my father was repainting one of his houses, and he had 2 professional painters and me to do the job, and we were all in the same room painting different parts of it.
one fellow started whistling some song that he liked, and he kept at it for quite a while until he fell silent. at that point, i started whistling the most cacophonous arrangements of notes i could think of whilst pretending to be rapturously engaged in my muse.
there was no rhyme nor reason in the arrangement or rhythm of my notes, and the notes i whistled were also nowhere close to the chromatic scale.
i always found australian magpies to be hilarious in their song, so i tried to emulate the disordered frenzy of that kind of whistling, and a painter got sh***y and he asked me to shut up, and i told him that if he is allowed to whistle, then so am i.
he got off his ladder and repeated that i should shut up, and i reminded him that my father was employing him, and that i was merely a trivial occupational hazard for unstable people with potential mental problems.
i started laughing at him and he became very angry, so i backed off, and he got back up his ladder and i took a deep breath and said "now where was i? oh yes..." and i continued to whistle in the way that raised his hackles and i will not say what happened after that, but here is a recording of the australian magpie's call, and my whistling was based on the sound of a magpie.
in this recording, there are two magpies chortling together, but i could only emulate a single magpie, so i guess if you can mentally separate the 2 magpies calls, then you will have an idea of what my whistling sounded like.
it was hilarious to me and enraging to him, and him becoming enraged made it all the more hilarious to me. i find magpies to be among the funniest sounds i ever heard.
the clip is unfortunately short, and my "song" went on for many minutes before he had had more than enough.