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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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Joined: 5 Dec 2004
Age: 36
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Posts: 98

25 Sep 2006, 3:03 pm
Might be an interesting link to look at. The writer talks about the different social interactions he has, then offers his thoughts on what he thought he did right or wrong. It doesn't say it's written by an Aspie, but it'd make sense...
There's also some external links on the site which are somewhat useful. The bristol lair site is interesting--it's evidentaly a guide to getting women to sleep with you (which I find a very unpleasant sort of philosphy towards relationships) but most of the information on there is just basic social tips. That one might be worth going through too, though take things with a grain of salt when it talks about seducing women and so forth (girls will see right through you if all you want them for is what's inside their pants and you don't actually care about them).
Anybody have comments?