ebec11 wrote:
I start shaking (extremely badly), and I can't breathe, and I get dizzy, and I can't focus on anything but the problem, which I obsess about.
Anybody have that problem? I feel so alone...
I used to have panic attacks, practically all day, every day. Just the thought of a panic attack, would bring one on. Very paralyzing, it took every bit of concentration I had, to try and control and control them. I was VERY desperate, and had considered suicide on many occasions.
After talking to a few people, I was able to find a Dr. who would let me experiment with different meds. I now take seroquel, neurontin and lexapro. Some will argue that I'm only masking the symptoms but, if you are anywhere near, where I was, you are willing to try anything.
Does this sound familiar?
Those who speak, don't know.
Those who know, don't speak.