So thats how long it has taken. Im 47now and had no idea until my nephew was diag Aspie. Everyone would just say..your weird, not right, etc Only recently found this place and reading all the non Wiki info from everyone here and all I can say is wow!
I have been dealing w/ aspie my whole life. I've had it ALL ! ! The "problems", socially, physically etc. But also the "gifts" as well. never knowing WHY??
What a relief ! !! !! !! !! !! !! !
-My mom thought my father a jerk, n divoriced him. My Ex the same of me And now I know why
- My dad did some incredible things in his life and was never..part of mine. And now I know why
-I lost track of how many degrees, 6+, he had. And now I know why
-As a child the toys were everything. And now I know why
-Never dated much,or had more than 1 friend. And now I know why
-Math and science..excelled in And now I know why
. -Only job was dishwasher/cook until I joined the army. And now I know why
-They discovered my abilities and exposed my weakness' And now I know why
-What Designers/Engineers need to be taught and think about I can "see" ( I see 3D) And now I know why
You get the idea...ALL the ......good and bad. Well with that off my chest , just wanted to say Im looking forward to exploring different topics with all of you. from science and tech to social subjects,law,jobs