ediself wrote:
I didn't go to my father's funeral, so I can probably be put in the "eviler than thou" category, if it makes you feel better

I just couldn't imagine doing it. I had a sort of mental block , I couldn't go, I would have had to be dragged there by the hair if people had really wanted me to. Too much emotion, too much faking it from people who never cared about him while he was alive, and what would he care if I was there or not ? He won't be here to check a list of people who attended or not. I was there when he died, I was still too numb to think, and there was no way I was going to go through anything emotionally disturbing so soon after.
It was the too much emotion for me, I just couldn't cope with it.
Am sure your not evil or anything for not going to your fathers, I know for fact, when the day come. hopefully many years from now, I will not be able to go either.
Dylexia, Dyspraxia, Anxiety, Depression and possible Aspergers ... that is all.