SilverShoelaces wrote:
If you forget things that often, you might have a problem encoding things to memory in the first place, rather than forgetting something that you had at one point remembered. Have you tried keeping a small book with you and listing all the things you need to do/take for the day? And if that's too hard to remember, could you try putting them into your cell phone? Even more than making phone calls, that is the main purpose of my cell phone, and it's worked wonders for me. (The reason I would recommend a cell phone is because if you lose or forget it, you can always call it and it will ring. You can't do that to a book.)
And have you considered getting evaluated for ADHD?
I see. But sometimes i can remember things from while ago, things no one else can remember. precise details and such. other times i cannot remeber what i had done the day before, i have to think for a while. A long time ago I think I was test for ADHD back in 3rd grade. but recently I was evaluated with depression.