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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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18 Apr 2011, 12:59 pm

Hi. I Google searched extremely forgetful and this was the first site to come up, so i will ask my questions here.
I am a very forgetful person and it really affects my everyday life. I always need to be very slow so i don't forget simple things like my wallet or cellphone. I never can remember basic things. I take a shower and many times I have forgotten to wash out the conditioner in my hair or forget to wash my self, brush teeth. I forget to much at work and I put my work on the line when i do. I will go tot he store to get something and walk out with everything else i didn't need and not what i needed. I forget special things like things my girlfriend likes and birthdays. It really upsets me, I will go out with my brother and my girlfriend or go out for a while and I will forget things like wallet, and one time we were to go to a auto show in chicago. And i always forget the small things. I always think and think if i forget anything and i dont think of it, then i relize i forgot something. I almost for got tickets to go to chicago one time. I dont know if this is the place where pelpl can relate to this. I don't think i have any of the diseases. but I am a very artistic quiet shy, and i never was good in school and was evaluated for OCD and Depression stuff. I dont know. I was on depression medication for a little while but i dont take them no longer.

Snowy Owl
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18 Apr 2011, 1:48 pm

If you forget things that often, you might have a problem encoding things to memory in the first place, rather than forgetting something that you had at one point remembered. Have you tried keeping a small book with you and listing all the things you need to do/take for the day? And if that's too hard to remember, could you try putting them into your cell phone? Even more than making phone calls, that is the main purpose of my cell phone, and it's worked wonders for me. (The reason I would recommend a cell phone is because if you lose or forget it, you can always call it and it will ring. You can't do that to a book.)

And have you considered getting evaluated for ADHD?


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18 Apr 2011, 5:07 pm

You might try googling "executive dysfunction." There are a lot of ways to have ED, but short-term memory problems are one.

My memory is also pretty bad like that. I have a system where I make sure that my keys and wallet (and other important things) are always in the same place (either in my pockets or in a small basket I have for them). That way, I can't leave the house without my wallet. And I also makes lots of lists and notes.


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19 Apr 2011, 12:53 am

Sounds a lot like my sister who has ADHD (and her daughter who's similarly forgetful), she's always forgetting, well, everything. It's funny when I go out shopping with her since my need for organization but tendency to get stuck on details and her ability to just jump into doing things but to forget many little things complement each other well, I remind her of things she is forgetting, she makes sure I don't just stay looking at one thing for an hour.

Emu Egg
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19 Apr 2011, 10:15 am

SilverShoelaces wrote:
If you forget things that often, you might have a problem encoding things to memory in the first place, rather than forgetting something that you had at one point remembered. Have you tried keeping a small book with you and listing all the things you need to do/take for the day? And if that's too hard to remember, could you try putting them into your cell phone? Even more than making phone calls, that is the main purpose of my cell phone, and it's worked wonders for me. (The reason I would recommend a cell phone is because if you lose or forget it, you can always call it and it will ring. You can't do that to a book.)

And have you considered getting evaluated for ADHD?

I see. But sometimes i can remember things from while ago, things no one else can remember. precise details and such. other times i cannot remeber what i had done the day before, i have to think for a while. A long time ago I think I was test for ADHD back in 3rd grade. but recently I was evaluated with depression.


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19 Apr 2011, 10:51 am

having all these various problems can certainly be depressing. :( i tied a string around my finger but i forgot what for. :?


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19 Apr 2011, 10:58 am

My boss thinks that anyone with autism should be fired because they are forgetfull.


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19 Apr 2011, 10:59 am

timpalumbo wrote:
But sometimes i can remember things from while ago, things no one else can remember. precise details and such. other times i cannot remeber what i had done the day before, i have to think for a while.

This is exactly like me. It makes me wonder how the memories got to the part of my brain that remembers them for so long when most are gone so quickly. I'm very forgetful too, and have to do what Apple said. If something is not part of a habit, I have to write myself notes in order to not forget it. The only thing is that I have to then also notice the note. :lol:


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19 Apr 2011, 12:31 pm

I can't say as I have any problems with... erm... what was the question again?

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19 Apr 2011, 1:07 pm

I forget a lot of stuff.

At work, I ask people who've verbally asked me to do something (either in person or on the phone) to please send me an e-mail, too. Partly so I don't forget, and partly in case I misunderstood the verbal instructions (which happens A LOT for me).

At home, I'll often say things that unintentionally hurt my wife's feelings, and once the blowup is over, she'll ask me to not do that again, or to do it differently, or whatever. But I can never remember those things; so I repeat it at some point, being a clueless git in these matters, and she'll then think I'm intentionally trying to hurt her because I'm doing/saying whatever-it-is over and over again.

Sigh. I hate this.


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06 May 2011, 9:52 am

I can remember what I did yesterday. I was on holiday for 5 days last month, and I can remember what we did each day.

The type of things I struggle to remember is things others find natural, like chores and simple tasks. I have forgotten to go out without brushing my hair, and I don't know many young people of my age who would want to go out without looking her best..... It's difficult, because I like to look my best, yet I forget to do it, then I go out thinking, ''oh no - I forgotten to do so-and-so!''

I think part of this is stupidity with me. Once I planned to buy a whole list of things at the supermarket....only to realise that I had forgotten to take any money with me! :oops: :oops: Now, you have to be an idiot to do something like that!



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06 May 2011, 10:43 am

timpalumbo wrote:
I don't think i have any of the diseases

Aspergers isn't a disease. :wink:


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06 May 2011, 12:12 pm

Yes, I'm very forgetful. And trying to gather all those things into one place (say, appointments into a calendar) doesn't really work, since I rarely seem to remember the existence of said place.

Joe90 wrote:
I have forgotten to go out without brushing my hair, and I don't know many young people of my age who would want to go out without looking her best.....

Brushing one's hair? Why's that so important, one's hair could look just fine even if they never brush it..! Or well, could be that I'm just talking about myself here. :lol:

Tufted Titmouse
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06 May 2011, 1:05 pm

I Would like to forget old an empty memories .
Lapse in understanding is as close to forgetfulness i get.

I get distracted and drift off alot, its mainly with clarification for a particular words meaning in my context of thought. Conclusion to my inner context sends me strait back to were i was, i never seem to get lost.
(Reading it back guessing it wont make sense to others.)
(Its a way i form sense within my vastly different need to explain somethings reason.)


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06 May 2011, 3:40 pm

I forget all the time. I use to use a Palm pilot but a few weeks ago i broke the digitizer part that detects the styleist input. I find it hard to do shopping for food and i end up buying way to much, i used to also to store Scanner Radio signals for my scanner.

My Blog:
-Diagnosed with High Functioning Aspergers back in High School-


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06 May 2011, 4:04 pm

It really sucks. I hate it when I'm reading a really long sentence and by the time I'm halfway through it I already forgot what the first part was. Or my favorite, I go to get something from somewhere, I get distracted and then ask myself what I was going to do. That happens at least twice a day.

Remember, all atrocities begin in a sensible place.