Do your parents/guardians understand your autism?

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12 Nov 2011, 8:08 pm

This make me curious since I realize my parents don't understand me as much as they think they do. I have Kanner's syndrome or infantile autism... autistic disorder... whatever you chose to call it. They find it to be more mild but I think it is much worse than they realize. I always find myself lacking the ability to express myself verbally and emotionally. They don't realize that I lack the ability to function normally... such as doing household chores without getting angry at me for not doing them. I really hate that things are like this and no one seems to realize ho hard this is for me. It's like no one even TRIES to understand.

So what about you? Do your parents understand your autism/asperger syndrome?

Diagnosed with an autistic disorder (Not AS but mild to moderate classic Autism), ADHD, Learning Disability, intellectual disability and severe anxiety (part of the autism); iPad user; written expressionist; emotionally-sensitive


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12 Nov 2011, 8:30 pm

My parents are the opposite. They seem to think I am more severe than i actually am and that I can't handle things that I DO handle just fine. So they are over protective. Thankfully, I moved away from home to go to school, so that makes it affect me less. But still their attitude is the same.


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12 Nov 2011, 8:33 pm

My mom and her husband understand me exceptionally well. They understand how I would feel in a certain situation, and modify it to make everyone happy.

My father on the other hand couldn't care less about who I am. That's why I no longer visit him.

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12 Nov 2011, 8:47 pm

My mum tries really hard to understand my aspergers but she sometimes forgets that not everyone with autism/aspergers has the same problems or the same strenghs. My older brother has aspergers and my younger brother has autism and she sometimes says "well joey (my older brother) can do this so why can't you" or vice versa but lately it has been getting better

My father and sister both disowned me when I was diagnosed so having someone who tries to understand really helps


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12 Nov 2011, 9:02 pm

Mine understand me pretty well. They know my limitations and know what I can do. But I feel my mother doesn't know everything about me. She says I can do anything but I never asked her yet what does she mean by 'anything?' No one can do anything or else everyone be able to be teachers or doctors or be astronauts or me mathematicians or singers.

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12 Nov 2011, 9:02 pm

My mom seems to understand it somewhat but still doesn't seem to get it completely. Also, she has the tendency of speaking on my behalf one too many times. It drives me nuts.


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12 Nov 2011, 9:07 pm

Given how often my mother tells me that she tried to communicate something to me non-verbally and got frustrated because I didn't even notice, I am going to guess "no."

She also seems to think that autistic people who have trouble with cleaning (say, myself) tend to 'forget to clean' rather than, say, having significant problems initiating the task and following through to its conclusion.

My stepfather, well... I wrote a thread about him last night. He totally doesn't get it.

My sister doesn't get it either, but she's more tolerant - which is surprising because she doesn't really "get" disability, nor is she willing to admit that she is herself disabled.

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12 Nov 2011, 9:56 pm

My house works well with it. I am from a quiet family of introverts though...


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12 Nov 2011, 10:29 pm

No, I don't think the majority of my family understands how my autism works. Except for my mom. At least when my little brother asked why I sometimes spin and yell my thoughts out loud she said, "his brain's just wired differently from yours".


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12 Nov 2011, 10:32 pm

My parents think they do, but in reality they don't know jack s**t. I've given them countless books about autism, but they never read them. I've basicaly given up trying to educate anyone.

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12 Nov 2011, 10:43 pm

Not remotely.


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12 Nov 2011, 10:47 pm

No. But they are trying. They still tend to get angry with me over things I can't help, which is very frustrating. But they're getting better.

You may know me from my column here on WrongPlanet. I'm also writing a book for AAPC. Visit my Facebook page for links to articles I've written for Autism Speaks and other websites. ... 8723228267


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12 Nov 2011, 11:08 pm

MagicMeerkat wrote:
My parents think they do, but in reality they don't know jack sh**. I've given them countless books about autism, but they never read them. I've basicaly given up trying to educate anyone.

Yeah... I feel the same way. My mom is like that too... since my dad understands more... its easier for me to communicate with him because he knows I function differently. But my mom, you give her a book on Autism and tell her to read it... she'll say, "I don't need to read a book on it... I know what it is." But she really doesn't.

Diagnosed with an autistic disorder (Not AS but mild to moderate classic Autism), ADHD, Learning Disability, intellectual disability and severe anxiety (part of the autism); iPad user; written expressionist; emotionally-sensitive


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12 Nov 2011, 11:10 pm

I gave my mother the Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome, and she read one chapter.

Still, that one chapter convinced her I was autistic, but I really wish she had read the entire book.


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12 Nov 2011, 11:21 pm

Diagnosis; Aspergers with resulting Anxiety and Depression NOS.
Misdiagnosed; Internet Addiction, Marijuana Addiction, OCD, or Bi-Polar Type II in attempt to address the constant depression.

First diagnosis five months ago (resulted in breaking seven year long suicidal/paralyzing/agoraphobic/jobless depression) and second diagnosis two weeks ago from Center for Autism to confirm. Also aptitude tests from OVR put me in a formally undiagnosed very high intelligence bracket and direct me to attain a doctorate instead of attempting another job in finance, real estate, or sales. Ongoing therapy sessions recommended but no more evaluation is advised.

My family has not adapted well.

My Father: I am "sick".
My Mother: I need to keep away from her because my insanity is catchy like a virus. I need to be normal. Since I'm smart I have no excuse.
My Sister: Autism means I am "Insane, friendless, gay, and socially ret*d. (now a mantra of hers)
My Twin Brother: I am a robot.

To all of them: Autism only explains why I tend to do "stupid things all the time even though I'm supposed to be smart". I am dark. Obsessive. Morose. Too intense. Nobody wants to be around a person like that. If I am now not depressed I should stop "obsessing" with shrinks and books and just get a paying job, any job. If I'm so smart I could work at McDonald's and I'd be the manager in no time. I should be making lots of money or inventing a light bulb or something and not be a "bum" anymore.


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12 Nov 2011, 11:36 pm

My mom probably knows the extent of my AS traits better than I do, actually.

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